Unspoken Words

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She was at her regular table with her favorite wine in her hand waiting for her boyfriend. This was the third Friday night in a row that I was seeing her like this. Maybe this was a regular thing, to wait hours for the boyfriend; who would come late and then give some lame excuse. When she demanded an explanation, he would fight with her and abuse her. Before it got physical, they would walk away.Today I got up and walked up to her. She was so engrossed in her thoughts, she didn't realize when I took the seat next to her. "So, do you believe in magic?" I saidShe was a bit taken aback but she managed to give a small smile."Sorry, do I know you?" "Hi, I am Sagar."I put my hand across to shake hers and after some slight hesitation she held it."Hi, I am Sara."I was happy at achieving a slight hint of a smile on her face."See, now we know each other. Let's get to my question if you don't mind?""No, I don't believe in magic.""What if I can make you believe in it?"Before I could complete my sentence, her phone beeped. Her smile dropped within seconds after reading something. All I could figure out was that the boyfriend just cancelled on her because of what she told after."You can try, I don't have any other plans."I ordered a shot of vodka and poured it in a saucer. She was looking at me keenly, which meant I had got him out of her mind for the time. "So if can get that shot back in the glass without touching the saucer, would you believe in magic?"She was still hesitant but nodded. I got a slice of lime, placed it in the saucer, then lit a match and planted it inverted on the slice. Now I inverted the glass and placed it in the saucer. "Hey, that's not magic, that's science. When the air gets depleted the drink would be sucked into the glass."I couldn't help but smile at her amusement at the small trick I just played."I asked you, if I get the drink back in the glass without touching the saucer would you believe in magic?"She laughed out loud, it was the first time in those three weeks I saw her laughing carelessly. It was one of the most beautiful sounds I'd ever heard. "So what do I get for winning the bet?" Finally she was warming up to me because she didn't seem to hesitate anymore."What are you thinking of?""I suggest that rather than spending the evening alone we both spend it together,"She seemed a bit uncomfortable at that idea, so I continued."I mean a good dinner followed by dessert and then drop you home.""Umm! My boyfriend wouldn't like it.""The one that made you wait for hours and didn't show up."She seemed a bit ashamed and annoyed at the remark I made with a straight face."Sorry, how do you know that?""Everyone knows it because of the way he treats you here. A dinner isn't going to do either one of us any harm."She thought for a moment then turned to me."Sure, but it's purely platonic."I nodded my head. "So I know a far better place than this to grab dinner."She smiled and pointed to me to lead the way. I walked ahead and when I reached the door I held it for her. She seemed a little startled about it as she stopped in the tracks. I asked her to move out but she was just looking at me and smiling. Finally when we got out of there I was confused whether to take a taxi or walk to the next place. "Is this place far from here?" She asked me trying to know where we were heading."Not far, a ten minute walk. We can take a taxi if you want?""No let's have a walk."I was secretly wishing she would say that, so we get to talk a bit more on the way. "So Mr. Sagar, what do you do other than saving damsels in distress?"I was glad she was feeling comfortable enough to joke around. I tried to go with the flow."Well, I do wear a cape and save people at night. I have an off today."We both laughed heartily for a couple of minutes. She really had one of the prettiest smiles I had seen. It was sad that she didn't smile often. In my thoughts, I didn't realize I was staring at her."What? Is something wrong with my face?""No, you have a really amazing smile."She was a bit hesitant but she smiled lightly and continued talking."Are you trying to flirt?" "Well, my old man told me that a gentleman should never let beauty go unappreciated. I am just trying to please him."She looked a bit disappointed then teased me."I thought you really liked my smile."I got a bit defensive and she started laughing. "I am just pulling your leg. Calm down."I smiled back and moved to the other side realizing she was moving on the side with traffic. She stumbled suddenly but I caught her before she could fall."Are you okay?"She checked to find one of heels broken. It was a coincidence that we were right in front of a big shoe showroom. "Well, we have some time to kill so let's get you new heels.""No, I am fine.""I don't want to go into a restaurant with the hunchback of Notre dame."We started laughing again and moved to the showroom entrance. I held the door, and held her hand so she can walk in. Then she chose some heels to try on but there was no one around to help her with them. I got down on my knees and asked her to keep her foot on my leg so I can help her try them. She seemed really surprised when I did this, and pulled her leg back. "Someone will be free in a moment. You don't need to do this.""What is so wrong in treating a lady right?"She was a bit intrigued and kept looking at me."If a lady can do so much for us males, helping her try on some shoes can't be such a big thing, right? We are already running late on dinner because of the detour. So let us get out of here soon."Hesitantly, but she slid her right leg forward. I helped her with some of the heels and she chose one. We paid for it and we were moving back towards the restaurant."Don't you think helping a lady, you just met, trying her shoes on is a bit out of the normal?"I knew this question was coming. But I had been through this one before."It is not and that is what I hate about our society. Treating a lady right seems to be going out of trend. It doesn't matter how long you have known her. A gentleman treats every lady right."I did not realize that her eyes hadn't moved from me all the time that I was talking. I turned to her to look at those eyes. Eyes that I had seen welled because of the barbaric behavior of her boyfriend.Finally I broke the silence we both were enjoying."So, here we are."She seemed to be surprised looking at the place we were going to dine."What? You don't like the place?""Opposite, I love this place." "Well, that's a lucky coincidence."I moved ahead and held the door for her. This time she didn't seem surprised but she did look at me and smiled while entering. We took our seats and the waiter came in with the menu. I thanked him for getting them. She was looking at me with surprise. "Did I say something wrong?""No, but after me you are the first person I met who says thank you to everyone despite their stature or designation. Even I hesitate or miss out on it sometimes.""Well, you have to respect everyone as a fellow human being. Only then can you expect to be respected back."I couldn't hear her but she did mutter something under her breath. We ordered the starters but I decided that we should order the main course for each other. She was a bit surprised with that. But this time she trusted that I'll have a good reason for it.We started talking and slowly the conversation did lead to the elephant in the room, her abusive boyfriend."Why do you deal with all that? Sorry, if I am crossing a line but I am intrigued.""Well, I am a lady who tries to work things out. I don't like breaking things and running from relationships. He is not like that all the time. There are a lot of things I love about him.""I have an opinion about any relationship.""Go ahead."The food was here by then and I really liked her choice. I was looking at her for her reaction but she waited building the tension."Yes, I like it. Now take a breath."Saying this she started smiling which made me smile too by now."A relationship can't be built just by love. It has three important factors; love, trust and respect. If you don't have any one of these you should walk out of it, because someday it will hurt you even though you try as hard as you can."She was serious again. I did not like when she didn't smile but she did deserve someone better."What do you suggest then?"I wasn't expecting that question. But now since I had that option I needed to tell her."You have to respect yourself enough to walk away from anything or anyone that disrespects you. Only then would others start respecting you. And c'mon, a lady like you surely deserves someone better."She managed a half-hearted smile and nodded. We had our food then split the bill. She was looking at me for some answers."What?""Doesn't a gentleman not let a lady pay?""No, a gentleman looks after a lady's self-respect. Someone like you doesn't need free meals and offering you one would be hurting your self-respect."She nodded her head and muttered something under her breath again. We paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant. The walk to the ice cream parlor was rather quiet. This was not an awkward silence but a really comfortable one. We both felt each other's presence and I was really enjoying hers in my life. When we reached the parlor she turned to me and said."Okay Mr. Know-it-all, let's see if you can guess my favorite flavor."I smiled and went ahead to get a scoop of Belgian chocolate and handed it to her. Till she tasted it my hands trembled in anticipation. And then that smile returned, the one I was falling in love with."You really are an intriguing man.""I'll take that as a compliment."Then we both took a taxi. She started insisting for me to go home. I told her I'll drop her home and then go back.She asked "Why?"I smiled "Because that's the right thing to do."She smiled as we got into the taxi. The ride till her home was quiet. As we arrived, I got down and held the door for her. We walked up to her door. "This was a nice evening after a really long time. Thank you.""I am glad you enjoyed it. The pleasure is all mine."There was something in the air, an anticipation, where she leaned in. I leaned forward to kiss her but before I could, the waiter brought me back to reality. It was a dream I had lived over and over again from the past 10 years. If only I had walked up to her that day. My dream may have been my reality instead of regret. I still come to the same place, take the same seat hoping that someday she may walk in and order her usual. Someday.

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