Greatness in Nobility

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Helen Keller once said "I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble "

What according to us is greatness? What is it that you think, if you achieve, will make you great? I was in taking a walk in the neighborhood with my favorite chicken roll when I saw the people getting down from the packed bus. It left me thinking what is it that makes them go day in and day out with this life? It could be the money, the fame, the power or all of them. They are busy fighting their way to the top of their ladder so they can gain some respect. But is it so necessary to be at the top of the ladder to be great? In my opinion nor money, nor fame , nor power makes you great. Don't get me wrong I would love to have each one of them. But as I read somewhere "it's not what you do but who you are that matters in life." The greats of the world fought some of the greatest odds to be where they are right now and I totally respect them. But doesn't everyone around us fighting their own unique battles. It may not be bog for you but it may take everything they got to win their battles. Yes, maybe these battles won't change the world or make tomorrows headlines, but that doesn't stop them from fighting. Aren't every one of us great in our own ways?

Mother teresa once said "Everybody can't do great things but everybody can do small things with great love". A father working two jobs just to provide his family a comfortable life, a good education to his children, a proper living environment for his family and a chance for his children to dream bigger. I somehow find a glimpse of greatness in him; in living a noble life even though it's not large as the society would expect from a great man. A youngster who has a choice to booze, do drugs, indulge in sex still choses to get his shit together and get that degree. It may or may not make him an overnight success; but his efforts, the choice he makes between right and wrong does give a glimpse of greatness in him. A single mother going to night schools so she can get a degree to help her child get a better and secured future. I do find a glimpse of greatness in her struggle, her perseverance. I have no intentions of hurting anyone who wants to dream bigger. Hell, I dream big too. But all I wanna say is your greatness doesn't depend on the size of the fights you fight, rather on your conscious effort of doing the best you can.

I respect the greats like Steve Jobs, APJ Abdul Kalam, Michael Jordan, Elon Musk and many more, because they made their mark on the world, they inspired commoners like us to dream bigger. But when I see my dad dress up and leave for work in torrential rains; I say to myself, that is what greatness looks like. He symbolizes the greatness I see in every single one of us. So next time you see a mom waiting to drop her kids on the school bus or a guy working in a pizza parlor; remember the real greatness lies in living a kind, noble life and doing the best you can...

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