Invisable and forgotten

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"Isabelle you done so well at your dance competition!" My mum screeched and hugged my sister "Lucas congratulate your sister" my dad said "Well done" I said unenthusiastically "Ignore him Isabelle he's just jealous" my mum said "Yeah I'm so jealous of her winning a piece of metal melted into a stick and for it to be called a 'trophy'" I snapped "Don't be so rude Lucas" my dad said and slapped me round the back of my head. I walked away, why are they always like this "LUCAS!" Someone shouted down the corridor I turned and looked it was Zach my friend "Hey me and my parents saw what happened back there are you ok?" He asked "Yeah I'm fine" I said trying to deny the fact my parents are always like this "I've gotta go if you want you can stay round mine?" He asked "No it's ok I best be getting back to my parents" I said before walking back.

We got in the car and drove home all that was said in the car ride home was how proud my parents are of Isabelle "Your just jealous they love me more than you!" Isabelle said before laughing "Shut up pipsqueak" I said and chucked her phone on the floor "LUCAS!" My mum screeched "SAY SORRY TO YOUR SISTER!" She added "No" I snapped "Honey pull over" she said to my dad she chucked me out the car and left me in the middle of town. I didn't know my way home from here so I took out my phone and used the GPS on my phone to find my way back, I stumbled in the door it was freezing cold "Damn I hoped you would have gotten eaten by bears" Isabelle said whilst skipping to her room, I went to my room and slammed the door and slumped on my bed, my mum came in and slammed a piece of paper on my bed "What kind of results do you call these Lucas?" She said and slammed my mock paper results on my lap "I got all A's how can you be disappointed with that" I snapped "Your brother got all A*" she replied "Yeah that's before you drove him away" I replied she gave me a look of horror and turned before leaving "At least he's gotten somewhere in life" she snapped before leaving, hearing that broke me my own mother is calling me a failure......

I arrived at school I'm not exactly unpopular at school there's a group of us "Hey were your parents alright after what happened?" Zach asked "Yeah they were fine" I smiled trying to end the conversation my phone buzzed "Mum: meeting with your principle after school" I replied "Why what's happened?" She took a while before responding "Your under achieving Lucas and your being unsociable at home" how dare she? The reason I am unsociable is because of her and my dad they are evil individuals. My brother and I still talk to each other he left home at my age because my parents were just the same to him he's always there when they are like this so I text him "Mum and dad are being horrible, can I come live with you?" I pleaded "When you finish school you can, there's great colleges here for you to study at" he replied I have a whole year before I finish school I don't think I can last for much longer......

The school day ended and I was pulled out of last period so I couldn't avoid this meeting I went in and sat down my parents were there "Lucas your parents called me raising their concerns that you are under achieving at school?" My principle said to me "I'm a straight A student that's good right?" I snapped "Yes it is but your parents think you can get A* your more than capable Lucas" she said "No they only want me to be successful so that I can go to law school to be a lawyer or something and it's not happening" I replied "Ok what do you want to do?" She asked "I want to see the world and travel not become some money making machine for them" I snapped "Lucas that's a lie we care about you and want what's best for you" my dad said pleading innocence "That's a lie all you care about is your precious daughter" I sighed before leaving the room "Lucas Samuel Jones get back here!" My mum demanded I ignored her and carried on walking. I'm not going back to that house. Even if I have to become homeless I cannot stand them anymore...... I thought to myself before punching a locker before leaving "Hey loser" Isabelle said as I was walking out I didn't respond I just walked straight into her pushing her out of the way.......

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