Chapter 11: Faith is hard to come by

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I stare out onto the lake holding Lea's 'prize' in my hand. Lore had taken Lea inside to get ready for our date and give me some time alone. I watch the moonlight reflect off the glass like surface as I lose myself in thoughts. Of Willa and Lea. I look down at my hand and smile. Willa would have never done it and she would have died...did die because of it. I hate that Lea is having these panic attacks and I hate that I'm not much help.

"You are." I whirl at the voice and almost fall to my knees.

"Willa." She smiles that sweet little smile of hers and tilts her auburn head to the side. Green eyes stare into mine as I watch her.

"Did you hear what I said Darragh?" I scowl.

"Don't call me that Willa." She laughs that little tinkering laugh of hers and wanders so her feet are in the water.

"It's a beautiful name Duke. I don't know why you don't like it. And you do help her." I'm so busy looking at her I forget myself for a moment. At least until she places a hand on my scarred face.

"Why are you here Willa?" She frowns.

"To help. I'm a gift from the goddess. She said you needed this closure and I could help lead you on your path." I pull back from her hand and she slowly drops it to her side.

"She didn't help you Willa. When he was..." Willa shakes her head.

"I'm safe now Duke and I want you to be happy." I laugh harshly shaking my head.

"Why do you care after what I let him do to you?" She stomps her foot and glares at me.

"Darragh Micah White Oak, don't you dare take the blame for me. It was my fault we got captured by him. Your wolf frightened me and I ran like a child when I should have embraced you and if I hadn't you never would have..." She pauses and drops her hands from her hips.

"I never would have what?" She groans and shoves her hands though her hair like she used t when she was frustrated by my stubbornness. When she looks back to me her eyes are serious.

"You know I wasn't your soul mate Duke. We were just mates." I shrug.

"That didn't matter to me Willa. I still loved you." She groans and smacks me in the chest, pouting. I catch her wrist and she looks up at me.

"She's your soul mate idiot. They're your soul mates." I freeze, shaking my head.

"No I would have..." I pause and think back to our kiss. The sparks. My eyes widen and I think back to the way I felt when Lore had looked at me after Lea had asked if we would mate with each other. I groan and Willa giggles.

"You big doofus." I grin wide and gather Willa in my arms, swinging her in a circle before setting her back down.

"They're my mates. I....I mean the Lore thing is kinda strange but they're my mates Willa." She laughs again and leans forward to kiss my cheek.

"I'm happy for you Darragh. Keep her safe the worst is yet to come." I nod and Willa fades away. Laughing I run into the house ignoring the stares. I had mates.


Twenty minutes later I'm frowning in the mirror at myself. I'd avoided the mirror since we'd come back afraid to look at myself. I growl at my self pity but...dammit. Thick scars cover my face from where I had attempted to claw my face off as I'd listened to Willa's screams and then Lea's stoic silence. I look angrily at the razor in my hand. Blood's dripping from the corner because I had sliced open the scars so many time trying to shave. I only had one spot left and I couldn't get it. Snarling I threw the razor against the wall and look back to the mirror. I watch as the scars stop bleeding. A knock comes at my bedroom door.

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