Chapter 23: Sacrifice

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By the time school is over I'm exhausted and everyone else is laughing at my expense. After agreeing to be principal it was a whirlwind of activity. From paperwork to names and a job description but it felt right even if it meant more work. Arms wrap around me as we wait for Romeo and Juliet and I immediately relax into them as Lore whispers in my ear. 

"We can take care of clan business during the day love. There are three of us and you'll love this job." I smile knowing he's right." The kids walk up and I'm glad both of them look happy. I'm glad they had a good day. They blink when they see us waiting for them and immediately hurry over as Romeo speaks. 

"Mom, why are you still here?" I laugh and glance at Duke, who's talking quietly to Juliet, before I speak. 

"Apparently I'm the Principal now." Lore and Duke roar with laughter as I roll my eyes and elbow Lore in the stomach. 

"Shut up and get us home. I'm starving."


As soon as we step through the mirror Juliet and Romeo excuse themselves to go change before dinner. I nod at them and they run upstairs with smiles on their faces which made me smile. I'm glad their happy. Turning to Duke I run my fingers over the scar on the side of his face. He smiles and looks down at me as I kiss him softly on the lips.  

"I love your battle scars. Have I told you that lately?" He laughs and shakes his head as I turn to Lore and place a hand on his cheek. "And you Mr. Never Give Up, thank you for helping save my soul." I go to kiss him softly on the lips but he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me flush with his body. I moan and clutch at his hair as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss. I whimper just as something clutches in my chest and a shrill scream echoes through the castle. Lore is already holding me off the floor so I wrap my legs around his waist so he can runs towards the scream. But I already know who it is. He follows the scream to Juliet's room but she isn't there. Instead a box sits in the center of her bed. Lore sets me down. I walk over and pick the box up as Mal and Devil come into the room followed closely by Coner. I open the box and have to fight not to fall down. I lift the clip of hair to my nose and inhale. Fighting back a cry of rage I turn to Devil and Mal as the scent of Sugar lingers in my nose. They pale and I hand them the clip of hair as I take out the piece of paper at the bottom of the box.

Dearest Alphas, 

It seems I have something you would like back. Do a count of your clan and you'll see who I have along with the Alpha and Betas most prized possessions. Alpha Lea, Duke, Lore, and Coner will meet me for negotiations at dawn by the old barn a mile up the road. You won't bring reinforcements because you don't want anyone hurt.

Let's play Lea 


A growl rumbles in my throat as I hand the letter to Devil and Mal. They both read the letter and look up at me with mournful eyes.

"It's a trap sis. You can't do this." I look over to Duke and Lore then back to my brothers.  

"Could you give us a minute please?" Mal grimaces but nods before pulling Devil and Coner out of the room and shutting the door. As soon as it clicks shut I collapse onto the bed and pull a pillow to mouth as I scream into it. When I'm done I inhale scent from her pillow one more time before I lift my head. Duke and Lore are looking at me with sorrowful expressions. I reach out and grasp their hands and pull them into my lap as I look at our clasped hands. A tear slides down my cheek as I speak. 

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