The Undoable Prequel

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If horrible were a suitable word to describe the robbery it would've been better.
The fear, pain and anguish were just the beginning.
As the monster in a man's body raped her and his accomplices watched for pleasure, all Andrea could look at was the lifeless bodies of her parents. She was too shocked to cry when she witnessed her father get shot in the head. It was having to watch her mother gasp for air as she slowly died after she got shot in the chest that broke her.
Her father had died protecting both of them from being raped. Her mother got shot point blank while on the floor because she struggled too much.
Andrea couldn't even put up a fight.
When the man was finally done, he had a good laugh with his friends as they picked up the loot which surely wasn't worth two lives and a girl's virginity.
The anger seemed to come out of nowhere. Turning his back on her was going to be the biggest mistake of his life. She stretched her hands to grab something. Anything. She didn't care what.
She jumped on his back and stabbed him in the neck. It happened to be one of her pencils that she picked.
And it went deep.
But his friends shot her in some sort of combination between shock and retaliation. She loved the pain and closed her eyes to welcome death.

But out of all the people who died on that day, she seemed to be the only one who death ignored.

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