Bella's twin sister [ twilight and harrypotter fan fiction]

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My name is Amelia swan. I am curreently 16 years old. I have a twin sister named Isabella, but I just call her Izzy. She prefers to be called Bella instead. My father's name is Charlie, and my mothers name is Renee.

My father Charlie is a wizard, and my mother is a witch. That makes me a witch. My sister on the other hand didn't get any powers. My parents say it was perfectly normal for her to not have powers. Being Normal was something that my mom has always wanted. She has always wanted to blend into the muggle world. It caused a stiff in my parents marriage or at least that what I think. My parents got divorced a little whiles after me and Izzy where born we were one when they split up. Bella went with mom and I stayed with dad.

Growing up I spent two weeks with Bella every summer up until she stopped coming to forks.

I spent some of my time with this rich wizard family that my dad knew well. My dad had a little problem with them at first, but once he saw how inseparable me and their son Draco was.  they put a side their differences so we could be happy. I'm a different kind of wizard. I apparently have more power then most.

When I was 5, I started showing my powers. So my father talked to the head master of the wizard school. Now most wizard kids could do simple things before they turn 11. And retrieve their wands: like moving something across a room or making something disappear. That's normal, but for a five year old, I was was way too advanced. At five I was levitating my bed, making things appear, changing my fathers hair color, and making the house shake when I threw a tantrum.

His name is Headmaster Dumbledore maybe ehh something Like that. Anyways he gave me this silver ring with a reddish black  diamond in the middle. The silver part of the ring formed like claws clutching the diamond. The Headmaster told me to not take it off if I'm around muggles.

He told me that when I get mad or overly happy or excited that the ring will glow and my eyes would change color because of my powers.

He said I also should get my wand early. So at the age of six I had this magic ring I can never take off and this awesome wand.

My wand has a white shiny handle on it. It was said to belong to a very powerful wizard before me. I had to take good care of it.

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