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"Albus this isn't working we need to remove the ring and find something else to help her control her powers." Charlie said moving towards the headmaster.

"This is the only thing we have that can control any of her powers Charlie! what she needs is more training to release that extra power bundled up within her."

There was a loud gasp behind Charlie. He spins around to see Amelia sitting up and breathing hard. She turns her head towards Headmaster Dumbledore and whispered one word.


Now gathered around within Sam's crowed cozy front room. Everyone gathered around this pained girl hoping to find the cause of her earlier affliction.
"I don't know what it is but something is happening . . . Something dark is coming Professor"
"What did you see my child?"
"I don't know really, it's all very blurry. All I know it that something big is coming, and people are going to suffer" a blinding pain shot through her skull. Amelia winced in pain clutching at her head as she curls in on herself on Sam's couch.
"Perhaps this should be discussed when the child has recovered Albus" professor Snape said from his corner of the living room. Turning his head slightly in the mans direction Albus adjust his glasses and says "perhaps you are right Severus. Young Amelia needs her rest. I will, however, be in touch. Perhaps I shall have an old friend sent her to help
with the your studies."
"That's probably for the best" Charlie said moving closer to sit next to Amelia. Emily entered the room bringing a steaming cup of tea to Amelia to help her relax some more.
There was a large crash sound in the kitchen and groaning of wood. Charlie sighed and yelled out "Toothless stay out of the house! You'll break something" the was a deep whining sound coupled with clicks as toothless un-wedged himself from the kitchen doorway.

"I will be here for a few days Charlie as I have business with the MUCUSA and their President. Don't forget that they will be checking in every once in a while on young Amelia" Albus said as he turned to make his exit.

"Yes, I met the person assigned to Amelia's case. He's a bit squirrelly if you ask me. To stuck to the book, He about threw a fit about having toothless back in the states. They almost wanted us to keep him in Massachusetts on Ilvermorny Grounds."

"ahh, yes they have always had a strict magical creature policy here. I guess we have past visitors to thank for that" he laughed having lived threw events that have forever changed MUCUSA policy. "Anyhow, we will be in touch Charlie. Farewell, Amelia, I wish you well."

The worry still hadn't faded from Amelia's face as she slowly drifted of to sleep. Everyone slowly started to depart from the room. Leaving behind, only a slight trace of their presence and a handful of vials filled with calming draught behind. Soon all that remained was Sam and Charlie. "Sam I'm going to take Amelia home would you look after toothless for the night. I'll come back to get him in the morning."

"Is that such a good idea Charlie. How do you know that no one will see him, or that he won't cause any problems."
"Toothless is a rescue. He is well trained at most he may just want to come inside or he will set some grass in fire. If your worried have one of the boys out there with him. He won't cause any trouble and of he breaks something. I'll fix it in the morning.
"Oh yeah and He likes fish" Charlie said as he made his way over to Amelia. He slowly bent down and scooped her frail body into his arms. He sent a quick good luck to Sam before quickly disappearing.

"So who's gonna get stuck outside with the big lizard" Paul said grumbling as he made his way back into the front room.
"Thanks for volunteering Jared" Sam said smirking at the boy trying to hide behind the door frame.
"What I didn't say anything" Jared whined making his way into the room. Paul was snickering as he munched on a muffin he had swiped fire the kitchen "yeah thanks Jared" he said skipping crumbs away from his face.
"What are you laughing at Paul you on perimeter duty" Sam said smirking.
"Damn" Paul said before he slowly made his way out of the house.


Sorry for such a long gap between updates. I got swamped with school work.
Anyway let me know what you think of the story so far. Where do You think it's going to go?
I love people's input. And who knows maybe I will introduce some of your story ideas.
Everything is going to start picking up after this point we are moving into both the of the more intense parts of the story line the last two chapters were nearly to bridge the gap. Don't know if I'm Gonna break this up into more books or keep all of it in one. Maybe, I'll break it up so I can spend more time building the story. I already have the very end written, so it is a matter of getting to that point.

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