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Hey everyone so I know this took forever to get up but I'm trying really hard to do so. um so there is a lot more British slang then in the previous chapters um just because so.... yeah anyway enjoy the chapter.

Amelia's pov

To say that dinner wasn't slightly amusing and awkward would be a major understatement. Sitting at a table for dinner with 7 vampires and your twin is a little nerve racking as it is, then throw in the fact that a bloody Barbie doll is glaring at you making snide remarks about the way I look and act on top of that. Plus the fact, There is no way to make a clean get away makes for one beastly dinner party if you ask me. At these point, I am bloody cheesed off at the lot of them. Especially Bella! she's supposed to be at least paying a little mind to me, but no she is completely arse over elbow with her new duff of a boyfriend.

On the plus side, the food is brilliant. I take another bite of the glorious cheesy bread. It was just so good. The flakiness of the bread with the soft inside and the crunchy crust and the gooey layer of golden cheese was absolutely mouth watering. For people who can't eat, I was oddly impressed. Esme sure knew her way around the kitchen.

"Esme, I am chuffed to bits with your cooking skills" I call out. I can tell right away that I was not fully understand by some of the funny looks I received from Bella, Jasper, and Emmet. I clear my throat and repeat my self.

"I... er mean the food is delicious. You are one bloody hell of a cook." I state while continuing to eat my food. I hear Esme chuckle from across the table. "No need to clarify dear me and Carlisle spent quite some time in England so we understand you little quirky sayings. Anyway Thank you Mel, it's great to hear somebody loves my cooking."

I glance up at her and say "well, I do your cooking kind of reminds me of my friends mom's cooking. Mrs. Weasley is the one fantastic cook. She cooks for her entire family which includes her seven children her husband and her children's friends. She's always in the kitchen, and her food is always brilliant. She has a lot of really unique family recipes some of which she shared with me. They're all really good, although they can look quite dodgy at first" I say with a laugh remembering the first time I set eyes on some of Mrs. Weasley's strange treats or any strange British/wizard treats from school in general.

"You should have seen me the first time I ate some of her Cornish Balls" I said with a smile "it was absolutely horrid" I laugh. "don't get me wrong the actual food was great. It was the fact that my friend Ron's older brothers, Fred and George twins, were using them for a home made catapult and one went flying over the table and hit me in the eye. I couldn't see for a while, but I picked it up and took a bit anyway and by God the food was great." everyone around the table was just laughing at this tale. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bella smile slightly.

"I'd be happy to show you some sometime if you want." I do have to say that I've taken quite a shine to Mrs. Cullen and Mr Cullen surprisingly. I guess their loving and open nature just draws me in, or it could be a special quality that all undead, pale blood suckers have.

"I would love that dear, I'm always looking for new recipes to learn." She said well glancing up at me. I can hear everybody's scraping their forks on their plates.

"Speaking of food... You know I'm actually Gobsmacked that there is still food left on the table. I mean with the family this size, you think it'll be gone by now. But then again maybe that's just me thinking of how things are back at school. You see, when I spend time with the Weasleys, it only took a matter of maybe 10 to 15 minutes for there to be no food left over, and Mrs. Weasley made enough to feed an army...." there wasn't really answer for my inquiry, so I decided to keep pushing the matter.

" I guess it's more of a British thing then....yes..... I know that Mrs. Weasley always took pride in the fact that her children adored and always finished her cooking." I say trying to get everybody to eat more than they already have. I know vampires don't particularly like food very much. I try to restrain a laugh as I poke Edward in the side and say "come on Eddie boy...don't you want to bulk up a little bit. You should be eating more than that if you don't want to stay a wee little bloke forever"

Bella's twin sister [ twilight and harrypotter fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now