Chapter 3

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He kept staring at me, I couldn't look him in the eye after saying that, I feel like such a coward. I meant it though, I don't trust him anymore, I mean they are always talk and I deserve a response, some answers. But he hasn't said anything, all he is doing is just staring at me. I'm scared, but I need to know, what's going on between him and her. I won't be satisfied unless I know.

"Then, what's the point?" Josh said looking at me straight into my eyes.

I was speechless, I can't talk at all. I want to say something, but every time I try, no sound comes out.

"What, you're not even going to talk to me?" Josh said as he walked towards me.

"I-I-I don't know." I said scared of his next response.

"Babe, please there's nothing going on between me and Jessica, she's just a really old friend, please baby, I-I...." Josh said not finishing his sentence.

"But you and her always text and you change out plans, and I don't know." I said knowing that he couldn't say those three words to me.

"Okay, how about now, I never blow off any of our plans, just baby please stay with me." Josh said now crying.

"I need some time." I said walking into the bedroom.

"What do you mean?" Josh said confused.

"I need to stay away for a night, a night out with my friends." I said packing my things.

"So, we are over?" Josh said as tears formed in his eyes.

"No, I just need at night away." I said walking into the bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush, and my hair brushes.

"Okay, if time is what you need and that's what it takes for us to get through this, then take the time you need." Josh said holding my hand.

"Thank you. I'll try to be back tomorrow." I said looking at him.

He leaned in for a hug. And we were there holding each other and I tried so hard not to cry, but I had to go. I kissed him on the cheek one last time before I left.

"Bye baby." Josh said as walked towards the door.

"Bye." I said not even looking at him.


Sorry guys I can't really update' too much right now, my dad was in the hospital a few months ago and something went wrong with his brain and back surgeries, and he was to go back so I'm sorry. And I will try to update tomorrow, but I'm trying to stay off my iPod and be with my dad.


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