
I sat up in bed, slamming my hand down on the beeping alarm. I crossed my legs over the edge, and put my slippers on, walking to my bathroom. I looked in the sink, and there it was. The razor blade I used just the night before, before I met Chandler. I brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair, and walked to my closet.

I pulled out my Bring Me The Horizon long sleeved shirt, and slid it on. I took a pair of black skinny jeans, and dark blue beanie, and put them on. I finished off my outfit with my converse.

I grabbed my skateboard by the door, and I skated down to skating park.

I skated through the entrance which was a rooky mistake. David and his posse was there. I wanted to run away, but Lindsey seen me.

"Look David! Someone didn't take your advice. I wonder why she didn't jump off the chair?" She said, making me feel beaten down, more than I already was.

"Where's your boyfriend to stick up for you. I mean, you obviously don't know how to." David said. I had to agree with him. I can't ever stand up for myself. "Go kill yourself emo." David announced, making me turn and run. Makeup started running down my tear stained face.

I ran up to my house, and slung the door open. I ran upstairs as quick as I could, and slammed my door shut.

I paced around my room, contemplating on punching the wall. Instead I went in the bathroom, and I did something I knew I would regret. I grabbed the razor from the sink, and I didn't hesitate to sink the cold blade in my skin, deeper than I have before. I let out a whimper, but I did another one. Not caring if I bled out. I did three more deep cuts, and heard a knock at the front door.

I quickly went downstairs, and I looked through the window. It was Chandler. Fuck. I started getting light headed, I opened the door. And he looked at me on shock.

"Help." I whispered. I tried to walk, but I fainted.

I woke up to the beeping sound of a heart monitor, and I felt the IV in my arm. I looked down, and there was stitches were my cuts were. I looked over, and Chandler was looking down. He sounded like he was sobbing. Why would he be sobbing over me? I'm a nobody, why would he care.

"You're awake!" He said, tears running down his face. He was crying.

"Yeah. Chan, I'm so sorry." I said, tears brimming my eyes.

"Why? You were supposed to be happy. What made you want to cut?" He asked, tears coming out even harder.

"I wanted to go skate, but David was there, and Lindsey told me to kill myself, and David said my boyfriend wasn't there to back me up, and that you wouldn't ever show up." I cried, taking in a deep breath as I finished.

"Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?" Chandler asked with a quiver to his voice.

"No, they were thinking you was my boyfriend." I said, thinking about how we were even friends. But here I was, in a hospital, and Chandler by my side.

He sighed in what sounded like relief? I couldn't really tell, but he seemed happy I didn't have a boyfriend.

I rested my head back on the pillow, and I heard a knock at the door. The doctor came in, and he had a clipboard in one hand, and a pill bottle in the other.

"Ms. Williamson, I have anti depressants that will hopefully work with your suicidal thoughts, and you need to keep your cuts clean for me. You should be lucky you aren't getting sent to a mental hospital." The doctor said, and I felt good I wasn't going to the mental hospital. "Well, that is everything, so I can sign you out, and you will be ready to go!" He said with a smile, and walked out, leaving Chandler and I alone once again.

"Do I need to be with you twenty four seven just so you don't do anything?" Chandler asked, a smirk planted on his lips.

"I don't know. I honestly don't want to be here anymore." I said, his eyes filling with pure sadness.

"You can't just leave me alone Angel. I like you, I want to be with you, and I don't give a shit what you think about yourself! You are so fucking beautiful, and you have such an amazing personality, and I can't help but smile when I'm around you. You make me happy." Chandler said. Tears filled my eyes, and I didn't care. They fell, leaving me knowing my feelings about Chandler.

"I-I d-dont know what to s-say." I stuttered out.

"Just say yes." He said, grabbing my hand. I stood up without pain, because the nurse came in and took the IV out earlier. He pulled me closer to him, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and he kissed me lightly on the lips. I was hesitant because this hasn't happened to me before. I've never had a boyfriend, I've never had a kiss. I am not wanting to disappoint him. I tend to do that a lot.

I walked to the bathroom and changed. I walked back out just in time to get escorted to the main lobby.

"I already signed you out." The doctor said. Chandler thanked him, and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. I lived a few blocks away from the hospital, so it wasn't that far from my house.

We walked up my steps, and I opened the front door, and my blood stained the entrance. I looked at my stitches in disbelief that the blood on the floor, came from my body. Chandler gave me a sad smirk, and we went up to my room.

I sat on the bed, and he sat next to me.

"We can get through this together." Chandler said, giving me a small smile.

Right when he said that, my mom walked through the front door.

"Angel, I'm home!" She said, putting her keys down on the coffee table. Chandler looked at me in shock, but he instantly crawled under the bed. I pulled the blanket over me, and my door opened. She let out a light laugh, and closed my door.

I felt the bed dip next to me. I turned over, and Chandler was inches from my face. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and made me get closer to him. I looked up at him, and he had a sweet look in his eyes that everything is going to be alright. He leaned down, and kissed my lips easily, and I snuggled to his chest. I was going to sleep great tonight.


I cant let Angel kill herself because a douche canoe told her to! She actually wanted to die! Thankfully i was there when I was, otherwise, she probably wouldn't be my girlfriend right now.

I couldn't sleep well, knowing the fact that a prick is mentally hurting my girl, is just to surreal.

I looked down at the sleeping Angel, and she was actually smiling. I smiled to myself. I grabbed her hand, and she nestled up to me, leaving no space between us. I kissed her head, and rested my head on hers and dozed off.

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