
"Angel, please stay with me! Please!" I heard Chandler cry out. I wanted to tell him I was okay, but I couldn't move, I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't do anything. My heart started racing, and my body started to ache.

I felt myself being lifted, and placed on a very hard platform. The pain in my back, leg, and arm was excruciating. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything at all. I tried to move anything, but it either hurt to much, or I couldn't at all.


They took angel back into surgery, and I sat in the waiting room, crying my eyes out. I had to make sure Angel was okay. I love her, and I can't loose her.

I paced around the room, and the doctor finally came in.

"Is she okay? Is she going to live? Please tell me she is alright!" I yelled through my tears. The doctor put a hand on my shoulder.

"We don't know what is wrong with her yet. She is still in surgery. We have to find more." The doctor said, leaving me bewildered if she is alive or not. I hope everything turns out okay.


A few hours passed, and I finished crying, but I was still in shock. The doctor came back in, and he had a semi-smile on his face, leaving me scared.

"She isn't in good conditions. Six ribs have been broken, her right leg is shattered completely, and her left arm is in bad shape." The doctor said.

"Then why the fuck are you smiling?!" I yelled, bringing attention to myself, but I honestly didn't care.

Before I could do anything else, I heard an older woman screaming out Angel's name. She came up to me.

"Are you Angel's boyfriend?!" She questioned in a panic mode.

"Yeah?" I answered in concern.

"I'm her mother. I need to know everything that has happened." She cried.

"Mrs. Williamson, Angel and i were riding our skateboards to the skating park down the road. It was all good until a person in a mask, shoved her into the road. A truck was coming and hit her." I quietly sobbed.

"Oh God! My baby girl!" She rested her head in her hands, and cried.

Does this woman even know what happens to her at school?

"Mrs. Williamson, can I ask you something?" She looked at me in confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"Do know what she does in school?" I asked, her mood changing.

"Yeah, she has lots of friends, she has a few failing grades, but that's alright. She can bring them up." She smiled, but the tears came flooding back. "Why do you ask?" She choked out.

"N-nothing." I stuttered. She gave me a concerned look, but she shrugged it off.


I woke up, and I was in another room. I had a breathing thing connected to me, I had my leg lifted, my arm lifted, and my back was in so much pain. The only thing I could really think about, was Chandler. I hope he is okay.

I started feeling pain radiate throughout my whole body, and I started to tear up. I couldn't let them fall. It would show my weakness. A tear slipped out, and I cursed at myself for letting it fall.

"You have two visitors." A doctor said. I looked past her, and I seen Chandler, and my mom.

"Angel!" Chandler yelled, running to my side. "I'm glad you're okay." He said, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"I'm okay. I promise." I said. My mom looked at me in disbelief.

"Angel?" She asked. I looked at her in shock that she was here. Yes, I get that she is my mom, but I didn't think she would care if I got hurt! She don't even know about school!

"Mom, I'm sorry." I said. Tears fell from her eyes as she came to my side.

"Baby, don't apologize for something that wasn't your fault. Right?" She cried.

"Right." I said. I looked at my leg, and pain started to radiate again. I winced in pain, and Chandler looked at me in concern.

"I'll get the nurse." Chandler said, rushing out of the room. My mom sat next to me on the bed, careful not to bump me.

"Sweetheart, when did you and this boy start dating?" She asked, anger in her voice, but still happiness in it at the same time.

"We started dating a few weeks ago. He helped me with some things at school, and he made me happy." I said, smiling at all the little things he has done for me.

"But why didn't you tell me when it happened?" She said, just above a whisper, a straight face planted on her face.

"I didn't want you to meet him and be disappointed. I didn't think you would see how happy he made me." I replied honestly.

Chandler walked back in with the nurse, and he gave me a half hearted smile.

"You guys have to leave." The nurse said. Chandler came up to me, and kissed my lips gently. My mom gave him a glare, but let it slide. For now, at least.


I walked in my house, and fell on my bed. Why did this happen to her? I have a feeling I know who it is.


I walked in the double doors of the school, not feeling normal about Angel not being here.

I walked into my first block, and David was sitting with his head down. I walked up to him, and tapped his arm rather roughly.

"Really David?! You couldn't do anything else better to do with your life, so you fucking push a girl in the middle of the road in on coming traffic!? YOU PUT HER IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" I screamed, shoving David around the room. He finally pushed back, but he had no power. My vision turned red, and all I could think about was tearing him apart. I connected my fist to his jaw. The force was unbelievable, and he went flying against the wall. I grabbed a textbook from under the desk, and threw it at his head. He ducked, and looked at me with wide eyes. Before I could do anything else, I was being pulled back. I pushed forward, and slammed David's head against the wall, making him out cold. I looked around the room, and everyone stared at me in horror. I ran out of the classroom, and went to the bathroom.

I leaned over the sink, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I punched the mirror, shattering it. My knuckles looked weird and were pouring blood. Fuck. A person walked in, but ran out instantly. Now people hate you.

I went back in the classroom, but David wasn't there. I grabbed my shit, and walked out. I walked through the double doors, and I left.

"Don't look back." I said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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