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I had never been a lucky guy.

Throughout my entire life, the only thing I seemed to bring was misfortune. It all started with the umbilical cord getting wrapped around my neck, nearly suffocating me during birth, to more recently tripping over my own feet and falling down the stairs at home. That one resulted in a sprained wrist and a black eye, but both were forgotten and healed quite quickly.

I had never been a lucky guy, so it did not surprise me in the slightest when I missed the bus on the morning of an extremely important exam. However, in my defence, it was not entirely my fault this time. You see, my mum worked a lot and I would hardly ever see her so, when she suddenly appeared this morning without telling me beforehand, it broke me out of my usual routine and I lost track of time completely. I was so used to the same thing happening every day, that change made me uncomfortable. It was not the best trait to have, but I could not help it.

And so I had to walk - or rather, sprint - all the way back home, from the bus stop, so that my mother could give me a ride. The supposed curse over my life did not help because we ended up getting stuck in traffic and, by the time we arrived at school, lessons had started.

Most people would not care and simply brush it off, then walk into class and suffer through the consequences without as much as a grunt, but geography with Mr Joseph was different. He was usually a great teacher but, when it came to attendance, he could be ruthless. And so he gave us five minutes, after the start of the lesson, to get to class and, if we were not there on time, we would be locked out.

Usually, I would embrace a free period, but not today! If I did not show up to the lesson on time, I would not be able to enter the class and I would have to take the test on another day, which would result in my score being lowered. So far, my grades had been immaculate and I did not want a single test to ruin that!

My school life had always been quite lonely, but that made me less focused on friends and more focused on work (which would be considered a positive thing, by some people). There was never any serious bullying at my school, as it was very friendly, but that did not mean that people who were different did not get outed. And, to everyone else, I was different.

I did not mind at all, but the only thing which made me bitter was the fact that they judged me so quickly without even talking to me once. I was automatically labelled as weird, simply because I wore bunny ears to school. No one had ever even asked about them and, if they did, it was an ignorant remark which I quickly brushed off. None of them knew anything about my lifestyle and none of them wanted to know, although I would be extremely happy to explain. It was not something I was hiding, but it was almost like a secret because nobody knew. Or rather, didn't bother to know.

I slammed my locker door shut, after I collected my books, and sprinted for my destination. I had exactly 21 seconds to get to class, before Mr Joseph would lock the door and, no matter what, that door would stay locked. He did not take any excuses.

Clumsily stumbling down the hallway, with my bag slipping off my shoulder and papers flailing in my grip, a wave of relief hit me when I noticed the familiar blue door at the end of the hallway. Just a few more seconds... I pumped my legs quicker than ever before to reach it because failing this test was out of the question. As I placed my palm on the handle and was about to burst into the room, I barely picked up on a faint clicking sound from the other side, which resulted in me not being able to push the door open and colliding with it, face-first.

Just my luck.

"Fuck!" I yelled, bouncing off the door and collapsing onto the floor in front of it. A few giggles were faintly audible from the inside of the classroom, which made me despise the students even more than I already did.

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