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"Hurry the fuck up, you dimwit! We're going to be late," I yelled across the house while impatiently standing at the front door with about half a dozen bags.

"Give me a second! I just need to fix my hat to hide the cut on my forehead," Vic yelled back.

"Don't lie, everyone knows that the only reason you wear hats is to hide your baldness," I teased.

"Yeah, but you love it!" He responded.

Today was going to be amazing. We were planning on visiting Melanie and Fetty as something very special had happened: they had a baby together! A lot changed over past few years. The two of them built up a relationship quite similar to mine and Vic's (but more mature, as they got married and had a kid) and all of the other pets who were with Fetty went to Kevin.

I guess their life was coming together quite well. I don't think Vic and I would ever be at that point, as both of us were quite reckless and impulsive. We were nowhere near sensible enough to make a huge decision like getting married. Our relationship was very playful most of the time, although we did have our sweet moments.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Vic arrived at the door and planted a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and picked up a couple of the bags, while he took the rest. We both mutually agreed that Melanie and Wetty Fap's baby would refer to us as her uncles, so we decided to shower the little girl with as many presents as possible.

I still had no idea how we were able to afford anything though. I did not work, I went to university (shocking,  I know). There was also no way that what Vic claims to be is true. Over the last five years, he has constantly tried to fool me into believing he's a secret agent. Yeah right! - this boy barely knows how to take yoghurt out of the fridge without stabbing himself and setting the kitchen on fire.

My theory was that he did something he did not want to tell me about. Vic was probably something exotic like a male stripper, or something boring like an accountant. In other words, he was either too scared to tell me, in fear of me not accepting his job, or too embarrassed to tell me, assuming that I would think less of him. And he was right.

If Vic actually was an accountant I would disown him.

Vic took his position in the driver's seat, although both of us knew that he was not a very responsible driver. It was fun though, as near-death experiences could be quite thrilling, so neither of us complained and we did not change anything. We would also always have little karaoke sessions, mainly singing to old pop songs. It had become our thing now.

So we sang for the entire hour it took to drive there, bumping into another car when Vic got out of breath while trying to do the rap in Fergalicious, and having the airbag go off as we made a sudden stop when Vic was too caught up with singing Toxic to notice the red light. Surprisingly, we managed to go this long without hurting ourselves or anyone else (well, unless you count the feelings of a very determined squirrel who got its nut caught right under our tyre and looked like it's little heart had been broken).

I still spent time with most of my friends, but Melanie moved away so she was the only one who I did not see as often. That was why, when we arrived, I completely blanked the hug Amy was reaching out for and instead dove straight for Mel. Although we did not see each other in person that often anymore, we still texted and called on a regular basis. It was amazing to see her though.

"Wow, Mel, you look great!" I complimented, smiling widely and holding her at arm's length. "I thought you would be totally fat and your boobs would be saggy after having a freaking baby get pushed out of your vajayjay, but nope! You're still pretty as ever."

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