Chapter 14: Stress is a bitch.. But thats why I have Owen

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I got the call around lunch the next day at school. The new fighter would be here in just a few more days to fight.

Part of me was nervous. The dream confused me; what did it mean?

I talked to Owen about this. He was just as confused as I am! All he said was, "You have some fucked up dreams. I doubt it really means anything. Now, where is your sexy ass mate? I'm still rooting for you to get together!" But Owen's humor and advise didn't help me feel better. My stomach was churning so bad, I felt like a lead weight was holding me down from within.

This was my second wave of stress.

Now I'll explain my first.

Mel and I had just gotten out of the car when Olivia walked up to me. She apologized for yesterday. I did too. I shouldn't have said that to her.

Past Olivia, I saw Garret and Reed pull up in front of the school.

I watched as Olivia sniffed the air. I was ready to yell at her when I saw he and Garret's eyes meet. They're mates.

"Damn it!" I had shouted, storming to class.

What the hell is wrong with me? Now I'm going to lose Olivia. Garret is going to take her from me.

The whole day she talked about Garret. I tried avoiding her, but it didn't help I had most of my classes with her. I tried sitting away from her during lunch and I would even skip half of my classes!

"He's so amazing, Kelsey! Oh my gosh I love him already."

"His hair is so soft!"

"He's such a good kisser!"

"He's taking me on a date tonight! I'll wear my little red dress. Hopefully he'll think I'm sexy."

"Why does he have to be so hot?"

"Fucking stop, Olivia!" I push her away from me, shutting her up as she hits the lockers. She gapes at me. "I don't want to hear about your oh so happy life with your mate. God he's a fucking idiot anyways." She snarls.

"Don't insult my mate!"

"He's my brother! I can say what I want!"

"It's not my fault you're unhappy because you won't accept Reed! Grow the hell up!" Now I stare at her shocked. Then I growl angrily.

"It's not my FUCKING FAULT I have trust issues. Look who added to them." I walk away from her once again. Angry tears slip down my face as I speed home.

Now I really am alone. Olivia was the only one keeping me sane! My thoughts jumble while I lay in my soft bed.

I need to get out of here some day.

Third wave of stress:

Mel's cousin, Angela, is going to be here soon. She might be staying with us, but we haven't settled it yet. My mind keeps falling back to Olivia and Garret. They're going to leave. I just know it! Hell, I bet I won't see her for years!

I clench my fists as I lay in my bed. Olivia has kept me sand for so long! I... I can't do this. What am I going to do. Oh god, I'm alone. Really alone. 

A lone tear slides down my cheek.

Just like my family who left; she's leaving me too. I moan at the thought, my face soaked in the wetness I've always despised. My phone rings beside me. I lazily pick it up to read the text.

Angie said she's going to be here tomorrow. -Mel

Well damn.

*RING* Another text.

Hey Kelsey, you seemed pretty upset earlier. Can I come over? -Reed

I hit the reply button and type out: No. I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow.-Rave

It only takes him a minute to reply.

Ok. Night Kels ;) -Reed

I roll my eyes. Is the winky face really necessary? After about an hour of sitting in my bed, I get up and head over to Owen's house.

"Hey Rave. Whatcha doing here?" Owen scratches his head, looking like he just woke up.

"I don't know. I need to get my mind off of things."

And that is how I ended up with eggs, flour, mustard, and many other things in my hair.


"Let's bake muffins!" Owen shouts excitedly. Grinning, we head to the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll get the flour, sugar, and chocolate chips. You grab the eggs, milk, and vegetable oil." I order.

We take turns mixing the batter, with a few drops of batter scattered on the pan. While waiting for the muffins to cook, Owen and I watch Finding Nemo.

"No Nemo! You'll get stuck in there!" Owen gasps.

"Nemo your ass is going to get taken off by those blades." I snicker. Owen snaps his heads toward me.

"Don't you say that to Nemo! He's just a child!" And so I end up on the floor.

"Owen don't shove me!" I jump back up on the couch, landing on him. He groans.

"You star-" BEEP! the oven sounds from the kitchen. Muffins!

"These are so good," we moan, biting into the deliciousness.

"Let's make some more!" I say. He nods vigorously. We start to grab what we need, and this is where is all goes wrong.

Owen drops an egg on the ground, I slip on it, dumping the flour on my head, and the powder invades my nostrils.

"Oh- my- god!" Owen falls on the ground, grabbing his stomach. Standing up and snatching ketchup out of the fridge, I squirt him in the face until the bottle empties. He gapes at me. "Oh hell no!"

And then the food fight began. I threw eggs, he threw flour. I grabbed the mayonnaise, he took the mustard. It continued until the fridge was as bare as the Sahara.

"Truce?" He reaches a hand out from behind the counter, peaking out at me. I move my chair slightly to the side and shake his hand.

"Truce." I look around the room. "We better clean this up." Pausing, I get an idea and touch my finger to my nose. "Nose goes! You can clean up by yourself, sucker!"

"What? No! Come on, Ravey, help me clean!" Owen shouts desperately. I chuckle.

"Fine. Just a bit."


I stand in Owens bathroom, showering off the gunk we threw. I love how Owen can always cheer me up.


I know it's short, I'm sorry!

This is dedicdated to aircutter360 for basically thinking that Olivia and Garret should be mates, even though I had already had that planned ;)

So what do you think?! Poor Kelsey feels all alone right now.

I love Owen! He's so funny :D

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