Chapter 25

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*Riley's pov*

This summer hasn't been easy for anyone...with Dusty's passing now Roddy's my heart was shattered both these men meant a lot to me...tonight was the Raw dedicated to Roddy and we all were wearing Hot Rod shirts...I had mine folded neatly in my bag while I got Easton ready...I smiled at my nearly 8 month old baby boy while Jon was in finishing getting dressed...I took my phone out "Can you smile for Mama....please...just once.."

Easton leaned forward and let out a little squeal showing his bottom two teeth

I got it...and posted it *Despite all the heartache this summer this little face makes it so much better...knowing I still get to see what kind of man he's going to become ♡*..I smiled softly and finished getting him ready "Aww mama's handsome little boy..."

Dean walked out with a smile "Was that Ej?"

I nodded as I picked Ej up resting him on my hip " the cutest picture of him and is two little teeth.."

He kissed the back of his head then my lips "You don't have to do this barely got through the payperview after Dusty passed or the funeral.."

I nodded "I know baby..but I have a job to do...I'm making him proud tonight..."

Dean kissed my temple "Let's go.."

After getting our stuff we left....every one was was still hard to believe in a span of two months this company had lost two amazing men..I stood with Ej on my hip as I talked to Stephanie.."I think I can handle that.."

Stephanie nodded "I know today really isn't the day to talk about storylines but with us bring in a new guy for the Wyatt Family plus Sister Abigale....this feud between Windham and your brother..Jon getting involved I want you involved too.."

I nodded "I'm game."

She smiled "Good...he just gets cuter and cuter...and looks more and more like his daddy..."

I nodded with a smile "That he does."

Stephanie nodded "Future heart breaker."

I smiled...after we talked I took Ej to the sitter then went and got ready..I didn't have a match but I would be ringside for Jon, Joe, and Randy...I wore a fitted Hot Rod shirt with jeans and chucks..I wore my hair up and make up was done...I walked out of the locker room coming face to face with Jonathan.."Hey.."

Jimmy smiled "Hey little cousin..."

I smiled "Hey Jonathan."

He smiled as he fell into step beside me "So what are your plans for Saturday...1 year of marriage."

I smiled "Well honestly I don't know..I'm sure Jon has something planned.."

Jimmy nodded "Go anyone to watch Ej?"

I shook my head "Not yet."

He nodded "Well we'll be on the road why don't you let me and Trin keep him Friday night you guys spend the day together Saturday..."

I smiled softly "Really?"

Jimmy nodded "Yeah..."

I smiled "Thanks..."

He smiled "Just give me what he needs Friday and I'll take him with us.."

I nodded "Okay..."

Jimmy smiled "I'll see you later cuz.."

I smiled and walked off...when it came time for the match I walked out with Jon....I stood between my husband and brother as the Windham and Harper walked out followed my Sheamus...when the lights came back on I kissed Jon's cheek then got out of the ring...I keep my distance from their side of the ring...I hit the mat as Jon took a beating in the ring "Come on get up.."

Dean finally got the tag and rolled out of the ring...

I moved to check on him "You okay?"

He nodded "Yeah..."

Next thing I knew all hell broke loose in the ended with Joe hitting the spear and got the pin...I slid back in the ring with my guys I hugged my brother before being greeted with a forehead kiss from my husband I couldn't help but look down at my shirt then look towards the heaven and mouth a thank you in memory of both Dusty and Roddy...when we got backstage I had a promo to do that Joe and Jon would stand in on.."Well hi Renee..."

Renee smiled faintly "Now Kaia over the past couple weeks you've become involved with Dean and Roman's feud with the Wyatt Family after Bray Wyatt claimed he could easily bring you into the family.."

I bit my lip nodded slightly "Yeah...not the first time he's made that threat to me...but I have a family and this is it...see Bray think because I'm a woman I won't get involved...he forgets one little fact I'm not like the other divas...I'm not afraid.."

She nodded "Aren't you concerned about his mind games how dangerous Bray Wyatt has proven to be?"

I glanced at Jon and Joe who were smirking "Nah...I have 2 big brothers, countless older father was a Wild really think a fool carrying a lantern will frighten see Renee the one Bray Wyatt needs to watch is the one who has his game figured out.."

Dean just grinned "You heard it.."

Roman chuckled "Believe that."

I gave Renee a smile then walked off...we got through the show and headed to the hotel..the next show was only a hour away so we stayed...with Ej sound asleep I crawled into bed beside my sleeping husband with my back to him...I just started drifting off when I felt Jon move closer to me and nuzzle the back of my neck still sound asleep...I smiled to myself and happily fell asleep

Author's Note

Riley is injured

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