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Myungsoo's Apartment
       "Is it comfortable?" Myungsoo asked. "Yeah. Just a little rough on my skin but I can cope with it." Naeun said. "Have some hot chocolate." Myungsoo placed a mug in Naeun's hands. "Thank you." Naeun sipped on the hot liquid. "So... Have you found anyone?" Myungsoo asked. "No." Naeun quickly answered. "You?" Naeun asked. "Not yet." Myungsoo replied. "Really? I'm quite surprised." Naeun said. "Why? You know I'm waiting for someone." Myungsoo gathered up his courage. "What?" Naeun asked. Myungsoo leaned in closely to her face and whispered. "I said. I'm waiting for someone." Naeun was shocked at Myungsoo's straightforwardness. The tension between them was at an extreme, he leaned in closer, having the tips of their lips touch. "Myung-." Naeun was cut off by his lips. They kissed. It felt so wrong but at the same time it felt so right. Lust slowly began to built up between the two as they made out. They stood up together, placing the cups of hot chocolate on the coffee table. Myungsoo pushed Naeun against the wall and trailed his kisses to her neck. His hands opening the buttons of her shirt. Her black fabric bra was revealed as he pushed the shirt down to her upper arms, also showing her bare shoulders. They made their way to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. He sucked gently on her soft spot, leaving one of many faint red spots on her collarbone. He laid her on his bed. Taking off his thin cream sweater, revealing his arms and biceps. His hands unbuttoned the rest of the shirt.

         Moving strands off of her forehead and behind her ear, he kissed her nose. "Sleep tight." Myungsoo embraced Naeun.

3 A.M.
       Naeun sat up. She decided to escape from Myungsoo's house to her studio. She called Eunji to come and pick her up.

" Eunji, can you come and pick me up? "
"Where Naeun it's 3 A.M. in the morning!"
"I'm sorry for waking you. I'm at Myungsoo's house."
"What? I told you to talk to him! Not spend the night at his house!"
"We did more than just that. We kinda slept together."
"You what? Naeun! You hooked up with your ex?"
"Yeah, I know I'm being judged. Could you please come and pick me up?"
"Okay fine, only because I love you so much. Text me the address. Just wait for like 20 minutes."
"Thank you."

20 Minutes Later
Eunji's Car
       "I can't believe you slept with Myungsoo." Eunji said the minute Naeun stepped into her car. "Don't talk about it Eunji." Naeun sighed. "Are you guys back together again?" Eunji asked. "I don't know. It's quite complicated." Naeun looked out the window. "You guys had sex! And by the information I received he is a virgin! And so are you!" Eunji exclaimed. "Myungsoo still hasn't had a girlfriend yet? Even after I left?" Naeun was shocked. "Yes! You too! You two are so in love with each other that you didn't end up with any one else! But you guys ended up hooking up!" Eunji explained. "Did you at least use a condom?" Eunji finally calmed down. "I don't think so." Naeun fiddled with her fingers. " Son Naeun! You might get pregnant! Or you might get STDs! It's Myungsoo but you never know!" Eunji fired up again. So for the whole car ride to Naeun's studio, Eunji was yelling at Naeun.

Myungsoo's Apartment
       Myungsoo woke up to the chirping of birds. He realized that Naeun wasn't beside him and decided that she left early for her studio and probably asked Eunji to pick her up. Some how this reminded him of how he refused to send Naeun off at the airport 7 years ago.

      "She's going today Myung! You might never see her again!" Woohyun persuaded. "I don't care Woohyun! She put her dreams in front of me so why do I have to send her off?" He exclaimed.

Naeun's Studio
      She sat on the designer couch while reading a book. "Romeo and Juliet", her favorite Shakespeare book and play. The separation of the star cross lovers broke her heart. As it reminded her of tearful memories.

"Where are you, Kim Myungsoo?" She looked around the airport. People came and went but the sight of Kim Myungsoo just didn't appear. "Don't bother searching for him Naeun. He isn't coming." Eunji sighed. Eunji and Chorong were the only ones sending her off since Naeun's parents didn't care much about her. "But..." She teared up. "I'm sorry." She whimpered. She walked into the entrance of the waiting area. With her two best friends sending her off. She laughed at the sobbing Chorong and the calm Eunji who tried to calm their oldest bestie down. She turned around again and took one last look, hoping she would see him again. "Goodbye South Korea. Goodbye Eunji and Chorong. Goodbye my love." 

2 Days Later
      "It's such a bright day today!" Naeun stretched. She looked out side the window, watching the people walk quickly to their destinations during rush hour. Memories of the street he and her used to walk on to high school made her smile at the good times they use spent with each other.

       "Myungsoo." She called out. "Yes Naeun?" He asked. "What if I want to go achieve my dreams?" She questioned. "Go! You've always wanted to be an artist."

       Naeun wondered around, trying to find inspiration for her new painting. She then suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to throw up. So she rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. "No. Please tell me I'm not pregnant." Naeun murmured to herself. "Hello?" A faint sound appeared outside the bathroom. The sound was familiar. "Naeun?" Eunji opened the door and found Naeun throwing up in the toilet. "Naeun!" Eunji bent down to Naeun's level and patted her back to make her feel better. "Are you okay?" Eunji asked once Naeun finished. "Don't tell me you're-" Eunji stared into Naeun's eyes. "I don't know. I'm scared. I don't want to be pregnant with his baby." Naeun sighed. "Well I'll go make a trip to the pharmacy nearby to buy you some pregnancy tests. If it's double stripes, I'll take you to the hospital to know for sure." Eunji helped Naeun up first and then went to pick up some pregnancy tests.

       She poured herself a glass of water and closed all the windows to prevent the smell from the bakery across the street to get to her. "Naeun, I got you 3 brands to make sure. So drink all the water you can and when you need to go use the rest room use all 3 of these. Okay?" Eunji closed the studio door. "Thank you Eunji, you're the best." Naeun smiled.

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