6. There Is No Choice

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Naeun's Apartment
         Carrying the suitcases to her apartment door, Naeun bumped into someone. "Oops. Sorry." Naeun bowed. "It's fine." A familiar voice spoke making her look up. "M-Myungsoo?" Naeun stuttered. "Naeun." Myungsoo said. "Uh... I'm sorry for the other day I-" Myungsoo started to apologize. "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of... Um." How do I phrase it? Naeun thought. "Anyway, I guess we'll be neighbors." Myungsoo chuckled. "Yeah." Naeun smiled. "I'll help you with those." Myungsoo took the luggage from Naeun's hands.

       "Thank you Myung." Naeun smiled. "You're welcome." Myungsoo smiled. She called him "Myung" again.

        "Kim Myungsoo!" She shouted. " Hey! I'm older than you. You are suppose to call me oppa." He informed. "No thank you, I find Myung cuter" She giggled.

        "I gotta go." Myungsoo pointed to the door awkwardly. "See you neighbor." Naeun waved. "See you." He chuckled again and closed the door behind him. Taking a deep breathe, Naeun started to unpack. Working or even moving around was now hard for her since she would get tired and sleepy easily.

        Plopping on to the couch, Naeun closed her eyes. She rubbed her lightly chubby stomach as she was slowly developing a baby bump. "I'm sorry I have to put you in so much danger MooNLight. But I can't control it. I want to work and do my job properly but you are my number one priority right now. Since you're so precious." Naeun sighed. "Sometimes I wish I never met your father." Naeun gulped. "If I didn't meet him, he wouldn't be hurt so badly by me and the people surrounding me. Eunji, Chorong, Taemin.... I get that Eunji and Chorong are protective over me but I know about the harsh words they've said to Myungsoo after I left."

        "Kim Myungsoo! How dare you not send Naeun off! You might never see her again!" Eunji pulled him by the collar. "I have always put her first Eunji. And she leaves me for a dream." He said. "You know it's always been her goal. You even supported her to achieve them! And when she finally gets a chance to complete her dream you get mad at her?" Eunji argued. "I-" He was speechless. "Whatever. She never loved you anyway." Eunji said, leaving.

        "Taemin got physical with him after I started to see Myungsoo. Taemin started to hurt him and bruise him. Making him bleed and painful all over his body. I could still recall that day. And it hurts me too. It still hurts me a lot. I've caused him so much pain. I've even caused him tears. But he still loves me." Tears came rushing down her cheeks.

NIL Ent.
"Naeun. Your new project will be based on fantasy. You can use anything as a inspiration. Paint anything related to the topic. The due date is our gallery next month. Which is July 18th." The CEO announced. "Okay, I will work on that." Naeun answered. "Myungsoo. Your project will be based on inspiring paintings. Take pictures of inspirational pieces of art work. Like what gives you inspiration and what drives you. And express them through your images. Your due date is the same." The CEO informed. "I will work on that also." Myungsoo nodded.

"Um. Naeun. Can I come over to your studio? I need some help on my project." Myungsoo asked. "Sure. I'll be there until 9 P.M.. Actually, I'm heading there right now. Do you have time now?" Naeun offered. "I need to get my other camera. That one has better quality. Also, I have other stuff to solve." Myungsoo said. "Alright. See you later Myung." Naeun smiled. "Bye." Myungsoo said.

Naeun's Studio
         "Coming!" Naeun yelled at the knock on her door. "Hi Naeun." Myungsoo smiled. "Hey Myung." Naeun smiled back. "Come in. I'll go make some tea." Naeun said. "Thanks." Myungsoo closed the door. He looked around, finding some perfect photos to capture and he did. "Here. It's green tea."  Naeun placed 2 mugs on the wooden indoor picnic table. "So... I would like to take pictures of you painting. Just your back view though. If you're worried about showing your face." Myungsoo said. "Sure! You can come anytime. I'm mostly here or you can come to my apartment. Since that is just basically my second studio." Naeun said. "Okay. Um... I'll go now." Myungsoo said. "No! I have somethings I need to tell to you." Naeun held onto Myungsoo's hand. "Okay?" Myungsoo agreed, confused. "I am sorry about the other day." Naeun gulped. "I'm sorry about everything that happened. I want you to know that I still love you but I think it's better for us to stay as friends." Naeun said. "Thank you for everything you've given me. Love, confidence, happiness, warmth, and the list goes on and on. You were many of my firsts and I'm happy and glad for that. That I had such an amazing first love." Tears came running out of Naeun's eyes. Myungsoo let go of Naeun's hand and wiped her tears. Pulling her in a hug, he kissed her temple. "I love you too. I'll always love you, my Naeun." Myungsoo whispered in her ear.

         "Bye." Naeun sniffed. "Bye." Myungsoo said. They stared at each other for a while, until Myungsoo hugged Naeun again. "Don't start crying again." Myungsoo joked as he broke the hug. Naeun smiled and nodded. "See you at the apartment neighbor." Myungsoo said. "See you there Myung." Naeun called. Happiness spread throughout Myungsoo's heart. Myungsoo jumped down the stairs after Naeun closed the door. He was happy for the first time in years. Truly happy.

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