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  • Dedicated to Kate Oscar

     It's been three months since the day I betrayed Mandy and during that period she's been surprisingly subtle, only sending one or two pawns a week to try and kill me. Nec was on the floor playing video games while I was on our couch glistening wet with nothing but a towel on because I just got out of the shower

      "So what do video games have to do with body guarding?" I asked

      "It teaches hand eye coordination" Nec answered as he concentrated on the video game

      I picked up an orange from the side desk, and threw it at Nec, it hit him in the back

      "I wasn't looking at the orange therefore that don't count" Nec said

      "Yeah well your not looking at me neither" I pointed out

      Nec paused the game, turned around and looked at me, I blushed and smiled

      "You should put on clothes or you'll get a cold" Nec said

      I frowned. Over the past month I've been trying to get Nec to have sex with me but so far all I've gotten was a kiss.

       "Aw come on baby I'm horny, can't you just have sex with me?" I begged

      "I'm sorry babe but your fifteen and I'm eighteen, if I had sex with you now it'll feel like I'm having sex with a kid" Nec said

      "But I'm not a kid I'm a teenager and you're only three years older than me" I argued

       "I know, I'm sorry but we'll just have to wait till your seventeen or eighteen, ok?" Nec got up and kissed me

        "Ok" I said in disappointment

      "Besides they say, the longer you wait the better it gets" Nec smiled

       I giggled "really?, who?" I said

       ".......... people" Nec smiled

      "What people?" I asked

      "Uh-uh-uh" Nec eyes looked left and right trying to look for an answer "just people, ok?"

       I laughed, Nec smiled, I jumped at him and we both fell we started making out

       "I love you" I said

       "I love you too" Nec said

       "Yay" I said

      Nec laughed "your so cute" Nec said

      "Really?" I asked

      "Yeah" Nec said

      "Thank you" I kissed him

      "Your welcome" he kissed me back

       We started making out again, suddenly Nec looked up at the door, I looked up as well and saw that the doorknob was fidgeting, we both quickly got up and Nec took out his sword from underneath the couch, Nec turned to me

       "Just stand there" he whispered to me

       Nec bend down behind the couch, suddenly the door swings open, only darkness was at the other side, then a white silhouette peered through getting closer and closer till it finally revealed itself, it was Arlo, Nec's best friend, he smiled at me suddenly Nec sprang up, ran up to Arlo and swung at him, Arlo quickly took out his sword and blocked the blow

      "Whoa dude its me Arlo" Arlo said

      "Oh sorry" Nec loosened up

       "You really gotta lock your door" Arlo put away his sword

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