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  • Dedicated to Kate Oscar

    Nec was a newborn baby when he first came to the orphanage; his parents didn't want him because of what he was; you see shadow users are considered cursed people and because of that not a lot of people associate with them and they usually stay in a group of their own kind.

   I was five when Nec came to the Happy Smiles orphanage; it was way early in the morning when the doorbell rang everyone else was sleeping I was still experiencing nightmares of the day i saw the death of my parents so I got out of bed and snuck downstairs, i peeked around the corner and saw Mrs Yo closing the door cradling Nec, he wasn't crying but i saw black tentacles coming out of his back; something very strange for a baby.

   Six years passed by I was sitting on the stoop of the backyard playground watching all of the kids play bored out of my mind

   "Yeah mess him up" I heard someone said I turned my head to where the talking was coming from and saw Nec in curled up in a ball on the ground while two guys about my age were kicking him; I got up and made beeline straight towards them

   "Hey!" I exclaimed "what the heck are you doing?"

   "Mind ya own business" the one kid said and they went back to kicking him

  "You know Mrs. Yo don't tolerate bullying” I remind them

    "Well I don't see her anywhere around" he said

  "If you kick him one more time I'll-"

  "You'll what; tell on me?" He snickered and kicked him again I followed up with a swift kick to the back they both stopped and focused their attention towards me

   "You stupid girl" the first boy swung at me I swayed out of the way I grabbed his arm and threw him over me; the other kid grabbed me from behind I elbowed him in the stomach twice before he let go I kicked him in the chest and he fell over

   "If you're smart you'd stay down" I threatened I looked at them for a while; they were smart; i walked over to Nec who was still curled up in a ball shaking

   "Hey are you okay?" I asked he didn't answer "don't worry I'm here they won't bother you" he stopped shaking "and I'm nor gonna hurt you neither" he slowly sat up not making eye contact I giggled he was kinda cute like a puppy

    "I'm fine" he finally said

    "So you do speak I was starting to think that you were mute" I jokingly said he smiled still not making eye contact "and you smile too" I said smiling "well you can go back to playing with your friends whenever you're in trouble just call me I'll be glad to help out"

   His smile reverted back to a frown "yeah" he said in a sad tone

   "You don't have friends do you?" I assumed he remained silent looks my assumptions were correct "well I'll be your friend"

   He looked up at me with a surprised look on his face; we finally made eye contact "really?" He said sounding like it was the first time hearing that

   "Yeah as a matter of fact consider me your older sister, but under one condition" I said

    "What?" He said curious

    "Tell me your name" I said

      He smiled "Nec Shade" he introduced himself

   "My name is Kitty Woe" I introduced myself "nice to meet you" I gave a huge smile" nice to meet you too" he said still smiling; I'll never forget that smile.

   Two years passed Nec, Mrs Yo, and I were inseparable everyday during recess we would train him how to fight; Mrs Yo could relate to us more than the rest of the children because she was a shadow user like Nec and her husband and child got murdered the same day my parents got murdered; everything was going great till that one day; Nec and were training alone while Mrs Yo was doing house cleaning

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