Chapter 1:

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NAME: Josephine Tabitha Weasley

Red hair that lays flat to your back and is always in a ponytale brown eyes freckles and hasa slim hour glass figure I(but doesn't realise it till 3rd year).

The golden trio your brothers Fred and George.
(Dray your best friend from 6 years ago)

Born 2 minutes after Ron on a solar eclipes on March 27 (same day the dark lod was athis peek of power).

AGE: 11 years old

Arthur and Molly Weasley are your mum and dad brothers are Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred and George, your little sister Ginny, and your twin brother Ron.

CHARECTORISTICS:Kind,caring, stubborn, and a very good friend.

NICKNAME(S): Josie{ron,harry,hermione,ginny}; Joey{fred,george,bill,charlie}; Joe{hagrid,lee,percy}; Saphie{mum,dad}; Fina{dray a.k.a draco}

She is a metamorphagus:
bright blue highlights; sad,
neonpink highlights; happy,
green highlights; nervous,
blood red highlights; mad,
yellow highlights; jealous,
black highlights; scared,
white highlights; love,
grey highlights; worried,
orange highlights; thinking,
purple highlights; embarresed,
silver and gold highlights; lieing.
The same goes for her eyes.
her animegus is a auburn wolf.

Chapter 1:
Josephine's POV;
       I got up out of bed, I was so excited today my hogwarts letters would arrive I put on my half of a locket the other half was with my best friend Dray, we had been best friend since pre wizard school and when we had to part he gave me the half of the locket with a picture of him making a silly face and on his half I was making a silly face plus the two of us were only 5 at the time. I also put my key on it had the inisals:

T M R (on one side)& J T W (on the other side)

I ran quickly down the stairs and when mum  looked at Ron and I, she looked like she was going to cry.

" Arthur can you belive it soon it will only be you, me, and Ginny here " mum said

" Molly don't ya worry thell be fine but I do think ya should give them the stones" dad said

Ron and I looked at mum and dad confused  mum left and came back with two small boxes, one had a necklace with a stone in the center of the chain, the other was a chain with a masculine looking ring with our families crest with a similar stone beneath the crest hung on the chain. Mum then explained what they were since we were born exactly at the same time as a solar eclipse the stones appeared next to us that they can tell our power levels, emotions, and strength, my highlights turned completly bright pink since I felt so happy.

" mum Harry visted me again last night in my dream he said he'd been gettin strange letters I think he has been gettin his Hogwarts letters that tommorrow is his birthday I would really like to meet him besides in my dreams mum" I said all in 1 breath.

As I had been talking I held my key, the key had appeared arround your neck when Harry defeated voldemort you wondered if it opened a vault at gringotts then fred and george came down stars still in their pj's.

" are u tryin to wake us up Joey" they said in unision I just smilled they were in their 3rd year then came percy who was in his 5th year at hogwarts.

Once everyone was down stairs which was mum, dad, percy, fred, george, ron, ginny and I since bill worked at gringots and moved out and charlie was in romania studying dragons. We all ate breakfast then dad went to work and ron, fred, george, and ginny went outside to play quiditch so it was only mum and I.

"mum can I um...well i heard Dumbledore say um... that Hagrid was going to pick up harry and I was just wondering if they asked me to go if I could go with them" mum looked at me when I said this.

" and were did you hear that" she asked me

"well last night was a full moon so after I knew everyone was asleep so I may or may not of rode my broom to Hogwarts because i couldnt sleep" I said quickly

" JOSEPHINE WEASLEY how many times have I told you not to go flying after cerfew" mum said

" 50,298. whati have been counting" I said

"Well I did think you would ask to go after all you talk to harry all the time in your mind so I have asked Dumbledore if you could go with hagrid to pick harry up so I want you to pack a small bag and you will also be going to Diagon Alley with them and I know I am against that key ( mum did not like the key because when sleeping or awake and the key was taken off my hair and eyes would go blood red it would actually make my full hair that color and it scared my brothers and parents) but I want you to try it at gringotts to buy school sup..." she got interupted a bunch of muddy boy' and a little girl came in " What ave I told you about coming in here like that..."she was interupted again but this time it was eroll

"Saphie dear please go get em" mum said my highlights went pink again with a big smile on my face.

" MUMMY IT IS OUR HOGWARTS LETTERS" my twin ran to me. We both started jumping up and down screamin " WE GOT EXCEPTED WE GOT EXCEPTED"

after that the boys went and played another game of Quiditch and ginny helped me pack once finished I put on apair of black tights and I think rons blue t-shirt (but he didnt ever really care since we shared a room) and blue converses after that I explained to ginny where I was going and she helped me pack a small bag and then we ran down stairs we all ate lunch and decidded to play a game of quiditch with my brothers as a chaser and I was really good and I mean good then after dinner at 8:30 everyone went to bed except me. Mum put my hair in a french braid and put on my black handmedown cloak a comfey red shirt, sweat pants and my red converses finally at 9:45 Hagrid came but it took 15 minutes to leave

" ello Joe are ya ready" he asked me

"yup sure am" I answered

" okay be carefull and stay close to hagrid" mum said hugging me

" okay mum you can let go now. bye" Hagrid and I left finally at 10 o'clock and it took 2 hour s to get there.

it started to rain on the way at midnight we finally arived my cat GeGe came to the front of your broom and she asked if this was the place you could understand her since your animegus is a wolf and all animals understand each other.

" Hagrird is dis the place" I asked

" yup" he said

hagrid knocked down after knocking I enterd behind Hagrid with my broom in one hand and a small black cat following me.

" sorry bout that"hafrid said

" get out at once you r breaking an entering" said a rather plump man

" Dry up dursley u great prun" I saw 1 plump boy and a skinny black haired boy hide

"I avent seen u since you were a baby 'arry u seem to be farther along perticurly in the middle" hagrid said

" I..I..I'm not arry" then the boy who hide came out of hiding

" I...I am" the smaller boy said

" Well ocourse you are" hagrid said

" Harry I can't believe it I get to meet you out side of the dreams " I said picking up gege

" Josephine" harry asks

" Yeah" I said excited to meet the boy who I would have to protect the rest of my life.

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