Chapter 4

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Yay! Quidditch finally I have been waiting for this ever since Harry and I got put on the team.

 Anyway, yesterday I along with ron, hermione, and harry were walking around the corridor talking about how Harry and I were the youngest on the team in a century. And hermioine showed harry a trophy with his dads name on it, apparently his dad was a seeker and he didn't even know.

"Its scary she knows more about you than you do," Ron said

"Who doesn't," Harry said

Then the stairs began to move and we got lost but it was getting late and we were in a corridor we didn't know existed. Then we saw mrs. norris (Filtch's cat) and  we ran to a locked door that hermione unlocked.

"Go thing the door wasn't locked" Ron said stupidly

"It was locked," Hermione said 

"And for good reason," Harry said he out of the four of us was the only one facing the room and its contents.

We all turned and saw a three headed dog. We all screamed and ran out of there as quick as we could and raced back to the common room.

So I put my quidditch uniform on and went to the pitch but I ran and bumped into someone so now my key and my locket and birthstone were showing.

"Watch where you are going" said the voice
"well sorry" I said I stood up and realized it was Malfoy "Oh well in that case I'm not sorry you should be malfoy "
"What is that" he said pointing to the locket I was wearing around my neck
"Nothing what it to you" I answered
"Nothing just wonder see ya weasley hope you enjoy losing" he said
Ugg he is so annoying, and why does he care about my locket.


We won the match it was so fun and not only did we win but we won against Slytherin and now I could rub it in in Malfoy's stuck up face. We were walking with hagrid cause someone jinxed mine and harry's brooms. Harry,ron, and hermione were insisting it was Snape but I had a feeling it was good old professor Quirrell. We were talking to hagrid and he said that the 3 headed dogs name was fluffy. 

"Fluffy?" ron said

"You mean that thing has a name?" hermione asked

"O'course he does he is mine got 'em off a man at the pub I gave 'em to Dumbledore to guard the......" hagrid said

"The what" I asked

"Nothing stop asking questions whatever fluffy is guarding it is between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." hagrid said

"Who's Nicholas Flamel?" harry asked

"I shouldn't have said that I shouldn't have said that" hagrid said as he was walking away

"Who's Nicholas Flamel" harry asked again

"I have no idea" hermione said as ron and I shrugged our shoulders.  

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