Chapter 3

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I woke up to a lovely wake up call from Hermione at 7:30 classes didn't start for 30 minutes and breakfast didn't start for 15 minutes.
"Wake up Josie we start classes in 30 minutes" she said
"I'm still sleeping go to breakfast I'll see you down there" I said waving my hand in her direction to go.
"Fine" she breathed out.

xFAST FORWARDx (30 minutes)

I woke up looked at the clock and ran it was 8;00 and I was going to be late I ran to the boys dorm to find harry and Ron just waking up.
"COME ON we are going to be late get up" I said
I put on my robes and wore my hair in a messy bun. We ran to transfiguration's Ron still yawning we had gotten lost twice and it was now 8:05
"Few, could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late" Ron said
than the cat on her desk transfigured and it was mcgonagall.
"That was bloody brilliant" ron said
"Thank you for that assessment mr.weasley maybe if I were to transfigure mr.potter,your sister and yourself into a pocket watch than perhaps 1 of u would be on time"she said
"We got lost" harry said
"Than a map then" she said, then Harry, Ron, & I took our seats.

xFAST FORWARDx (Potions)

We went to potions and took our seats I got landed sitting near malfoy *hooray* I thought to myself with loads of sarcasm. Snape then started asking harry tons of questions I wasn't paying attention so of course if harry didn't know the answer he would pick me to answer and me coming here when I was little didn't help cause I answered every question right.

"Good job miss.weasley 5 points to Gryffindor and 2 points taken good thing you remembered all I taught you" he said

When I was little and I came I always favored potions and transfigurations and charm so ask me any question I could answer it. I just blushed and my hair went a bright purple everyone stared at me for a moment.  

After potions we went to, well I'm not sure what to refer to it as, we learned the basics of flying, which sucks because I've used a broom since as long as I can remember. We were told to command our brooms to us which like Harry I got right away. We were then told to mount our brooms and hoover. Neville Longbottom on the other hand shot through the air and sprained his wrist, that sucks. 

Madame Hooch brought him to the infirmary.

"Maybe if he squeezed this he would have remembered to fall on his fat ass," Malfoy said picking up neville's remembrall 

"Give it back malfoy," Harry said 

"Or what Potter," Malfoy taunted 

"You wont want to know," I said standing next to Harry

"I think I'll put it somewhere for Longbottom to find," He said mounting his broom "Like on the room"

"Scared potter?" Malfoy asked from the sky

As Hermione was going to tell us not to both Harry and I got on our Brooms and flew after malfoy 

Malfoy was being an ass, wouldn't give us back neville's remembrall, I was pissed and irritated so I flew above malfoy and jumped off my broom surprising malfoy, and as I dropped I grabbed the remembrall and threw it to harry and he flew after it and caught it

I missed my broom on the way back to the ground and I covered my head and rolled on the ground.

"Shit," I said when I hit the ground

"Josie, are you okay?" Ron asked me 

"Yea ron," I said "I'm fine." 

"Josie,---" Harry began

"I'm fine Harry seriously," I said getting up with the help of my brother

"Harry Potter, Josephina Weasley" crap it was proffessor McGonagall this couldn't possibly end well

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