Chapter 8

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We all meet at the bottom of the stairs in the common room we saw trevor who croaked when he saw us.

"Trevor you're not supposed to be down here" ron said

"Neither are you 4" neville said getting up from his chair "your sneaking out again you're gonna get more points taken and get gryffindor in trouble again"

"Please move out of the way neville" I asked

"No I'll......I'll fight you" he said puting up his fists

"I'm so sorry neville Petrificus Totalus" hermione said

"You no your scary sometimes brilliant but scary" ron said

We all put the invisibility cloak over us and walked to the 3rd floor corridor. When we got to the place were fluffy was kept we realized a harp was already playing and fluffy was asleep.

"Oh no snape's already been here" harry said we all crowded around the trapdoor then it got really quite fluffy was awake we all jumped down the hole.

"Good thing this plant was here" ron said then the plant started attacking us

"Relax guys if you don't relax it will only kill you faster" hermione said

"Kill us faster o now I can relax" ron said panicking

hermione and I relaxed with ease and fell right through, then harry.

"He is not relaxing is he" hermione said listin to my brother panicking

"I have read about this in herbology devils snare is deathly fun but will sulk in the sun" I said

"sun light" hermione said and did a spell towards the devil snare letting ron drop through

"good thing we didn't panic" ron said

"good thing Josie and Hermione pay attention in herbology" harry said

We then walked into another room where harry went on a broom to grab a key and got attacked by keys. he got the key and we got the door open in time for harry to get through and closed it quick enough so the keys didn't follow us. We then walked into a life size chess board where we had to play our way across the room. Ron sacrificed his piece so harry could check the king and stop snape. 

Hermione stayed behind with ron in hopes to get him to the hospital wing

Me and harry walked down a corridor into a room where we saw prof. quirell'

"you" harry said "but snape"

"no one suspected poor stuttering profeessor quirell" he said

"but snape tried to kill us" harry said

"no i tried to kill you and i would have succeeded to even with snape muttering his little counter curse" quirell said

"see harry snapes a good guy like i always say never trust the weird guy in the turban" i said

"i see the stone but how do i get it" quirell said

"use the kids" a strange voice said

"potter! weasley! come here" quirell yelled

I looked into the mirror and saw that that my reflection had handed harry the stone, crap this is not good.

"what do you see" quirell asked

"I'm quiditch captain I've won the house cup i'm shaking hands with Dumbledore" harry said

"I am an auror at the ministry I'm shaking hands with the minister" i said

"they lie" the strange voice said "let me talk to them"

"but master your not strong enough" quirell said

"i am strong enough for this" the voice said

quirell unwrapped his turban.

"hello harry" the head on the back of quirell's head said

"You your voldemort" i said

" and you are Josafina Weasley the one with my power" Voldemort said

"I don't no what your talking about" i said

"give me the stone harry" voldenmort said "i know you have it since its in your pocket if you give me the stone i will bring you your parents back"

"liar" harry yelled with the stone in his hand

"get him" Voldemort told quirell

"NO" i screamed at the top of my lounges 

my eyes, skin, and hair were all glowing  white. I shot white beams from my hand trying to protect harry but quirell used his wand and used cruciatis curse on me one minute i am in pain and agony, and the next thing i knew  it stopped and when i woke i was in the hospital wing.

Dumbledore explained that ron and hermione were fine and that harry defeated Voldemort since his mom gave her life for him and then told me the reason for what happened to me.

Dumbledore explained that I was the one with Voldemort's power because exactly when I was born Voldemort sent out a spell that who ever was born when he did the spell some of his power would go directly to the baby born at that moment, thus insuring he would have an heir without having to reproduce.

"Josephina I would like to tell you that i have discussed you not returning to hogwarts in the fall" dumbledore said

"what, why?" i asked

"because you are to be the apprentice of allistor moody and also be trained by nymphadora tonks. for you to learn how to control yourself"" Dumbledore explained

"so how long do i have to stay out of hogwarts" i asked

"til we ask for you to return" dumbledor said

"alright when does this thing start?" i asked

"on June 14" Dumbledore said

"so 2 days after i return home" i asked feeling a little depressed

"yes" Dumbledore answered "but u can visit home on Christmas eve morning and leave Christmas day night, your birthday and a day or 2 during the summer"

"alright" i said

I walked into the great hall people where staring at me did i have bed head i sat in between fred and ron.

"why are people staring at me" i asked

"cause sis you have strange markings on your face" fred said

"what?" i said embarrassed and i expected just my highlights to turn purple but my entire hair turned purple so did my eyes and according to my brothers so did my new markings

i looked down at my hands a noticed my hands had markings too. the marks were swirling all over in swirls and they had cresent moons and stars i must look like a freak.

"attention quite down i have the house points in order in 4th place is griffindor with 400 points, 3rd ravenclaw with 440 points, 2nd hufflepuff with 570 points, and in 1st is Slytherin with 600 points. Yes well done slytherin well done. but i have a few more points to miss hermione granger 50 points for braver intellect, to mr ron weasley 50 points for the beast game of wizard chess, to miss Josaphina weasley 50 points for protecting friends in a time of need, and mr harry potter 50 points for facing danger and pure love."

"we're tied with slytherin" hermione said

"and to nevile longbottom it take great bravery to stand up to and enemy and even more to stand up to a friend i give 10 points and if my calculations are correct gryfindor wins the house cup" dumbledor said griffindor cheered for joy

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