Chapter 6:Mike Taps Into Dark Magic

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Mike's P.O.V
Dr.Whales quickly rushes into the Hospital.He looks at the other Doctors."Get him to a room and carefully stabilize him for the procedure.The doctors get Mike to a room and secure him for the procedure.Dr.Whales is behind them ready to begin.After a few moments the doctors  left the room.Dr.Whales grabs the medical tools,and hooks them up to Mike.He puts his Hands through the slots, and rubs the tools together."Clear."He said as he shocks Mike."Clear."he said again no response.Dr.Whales wants to give up
But he can't .A life is depending on him."Clear." He said but then he felt a heart beat.As the moving electrons  traveled to Mike's heart he felt
Alarmed."Huh what where am I?",Mike yelled."No it's okay I'm trying to help.",Dr.Whales said as he reached to hold Mike down."Get off of me.",Mike screamed as he blasted a wave of purple energy."Wait what have I done.",I said.He looked down and saw Dr.Whales lying on the ground.Mike was about to leave in fear when he saw everyone peaking into the room."Mike.",Mary said running over to give me  a hug."No stand back I don't want to hurt you."I said."Mike we're here to help.",Raven said."No I don't need help from you."Mike said.Mike's eyes turned a dark shade of purple,as he vanished from the Hospital.

We do not own OUAT
This was written by XxRageBeastxX
The next chapter will be written by Wildkitten01
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