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I checked Lou's profile on Twitter (not real Twitter names!) @ordinary.sad was his username.

School is almost over. One more class period, thank god.

"And before school gets out, I have a paper you guys need to do in class. 2 sides, that's it. Pass these back," Ms. Anne says. I put my phone away so I wouldn't get caught again.

I stare at the paper, zoning out by accident. Forgetting I was in school, "are you gonna pass it back or not? Oh my gosh," Peyton complains.

I apologize and pass her the papers.

I solve five problems in the twenty minutes we had. I don't know why, I couldn't stop questioning myself about Lou.

Who was he?


AN- Jan. 15, 2016

This was really short, I'm also writing another book about Magcon !

Keep reading! Xx

i didnt know the sad boy was famous *UPDATING*Where stories live. Discover now