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So above is the picture of Cameron Reed. Isn't he a hottie with a body.

Let me stop.

So before you start the story, if you have any questions whatsoever feel free to message me or whatever.

This story was make with my head. Don't try to say that I stole someone's story because to keep it at one hunnit with you guys, there is a 99.99% chance I never even read the story that I would supposedly copied.

If there is mistakes, oh well. I make mistakes. I'm not some robot from the future. Ignore it. As long as the story is gonna be good, you'll be fine. Calm your tatas.
Anyways, if you haven't left already, here is the first chapter.

Enjoy. :)

There is no going back. I need this. All I need to do is act like I have a bit of self confidence and these old perverted bastards would be betting thousands.

Enough to pay for my father.

I really hope they don't expect me to do something sexual to them after they bought be. They have another thing coming. I can be the biggest bitch in the century.

"Now for our next girl. Angelina Walker."

Not even a minute passed by that I was pushed up stage. I felt more colder up here than in the crowd. I don't know if it is the fact that I'm basically half naked or that every single pair of eyes are on me.

I feel so out of place. So uncomfortable.

I have to do this. This is the only way I can pay for him.

"Now that you guys had a look at her, let's get bidding! Lets start with-" the auctioneer look at me with a smirk and looked back at the crowd. "Lets go with 5,000."

Is this bitch serious?

Am I really getting bothered by that?

Yeah you are! That's not a lot of money.

I mentally sighed. The numbers kept going up. Hands were raised by only old men from what I can see.

Oh great. Here goes my virginity. Be ready to get raped Angie.

Shut up.

I knew it was going to be like this from the start. I was being sold at a place where most hookers were sold. Most of the girls that were sold before me are probably doing it right now.

"50,000 going once."

Damn, did I space out for that long?

Run out of there!

Angie. You need to stop.

"1 million!"

Everyone gasped and I almost fainted. Who spends 1 million on a person? Especially me?! I look like shit right now and I can't rock these slut clothes how they rock them.

1 million. Even the auctioneer was surprised.

"1 million going once. Going twice."



Some old bastard just bought me for one million. This was insane.

"Come get your prize, Mr. Reed."

To my surprise, it was a hot young guy that came to get me. He looked to be in his early twenties. Dark brown hair that was a but messy but in a perfect way. He had a perfectly chiseled jaw line, and don't get me started on his eyes. It looked like I was staring into heaven. Once he got on stage, he held his hand out and smiled. You can easily tell he was 6' 3".

Oh. My. God.
My weakness.

I was about to pull a Scorpion on this guy like, " GET OVER HERE!" and kiss him to death.

But then I remembered something. This guy BOUGHT me. And spent one million on me. Little average me. Why?

I took his hand nervously. He seems to sense that and chuckles a bit after pulling me towards him. He held me close as we both walked out of the venue together. Girls were giving me dirty looks while the men were cat whistling and looking at me up and down.

We finally got outside. His car was already parked, waiting for him.

He drives a fucking Lamborghini Veneno? Seriously?! How rich is this guy?

(A/N ~ If you don't know what that car looks like go on Google Images. :)

"Are you going to get in?"

I snapped back to reality and noticed he had the door open for me.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." I quickly get in the car. He chuckled as he closed the door. His fragrance was contaminating the car. I probably looked like a freak because I kept inhaling the scent. But guess what? It smelt like heaven in a bottle so I was all good.


He drove us to this big skyscraper. It was huge and magnificent. He held my hand as we walked in. He went straight to the elevator and pressed the top floor.

Now I wanted to ask him why he bought me, but I was too scared. He could say something really disgusting and I can't run away. Even though he was a beautiful human being, my mouth stayed shut for some reason.

"Are we going to just sit here in silence?" I blurted out. I looked at him for a response. He looked at me, amused.

"Sweetheart, just wait. We are almost there."

I did not know what he meant by that. And he called me 'sweetheart'. I just stared at him as he stared back at me.

Having a beautiful god-like creature stare at you was uncomfortable. Especially how he was staring. I couldn't read his expression.


We got to his floor and lord help me. It is beautiful. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Bea-utiful. Everything was so fancy. So exquisite. This guy had to be some kind of billionaire.

"Follow me." He started walking forward. I followed his orders, mostly because I didn't know who he was and I could get easily killed. He lead me to this stairway that lead upstairs to some rooms. Three to be exact. He took me into the one on the right.

"This is your room."

Elegant. The only word I had for this room. It also had this artistic theme, which I really loved. I looked back at him to thank him, but stopped when I saw his face. He was just happy a moment ago but now he looks pissed off. I gave him a confused look.

"I bought you so my parents can stop bothering me about settling down. I will introduce you to everyone as my girlfriend. Please don't embarrass me."


Hoped you guys liked/loved this first chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments and also message me if you want.
I'm lonely and have no social life so 7/10 I would answer quickly and have a conversation with you.

~iAsteralesi  (aka Ted)

Loved By A BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now