The Beginning Of It All

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Just imagine walking into a new school..New Start...New Life. Well thats not how this happened. It started with a Simple Hello.

Daniel's P.O.V

Daniel Howell, Thats me. Anywhore, The Senior year of high school is like shit. Yeah lets go get high for gods sakes, oh wait its not that? Its simiply. hello to new society. Anyways, I have no friends. No 'Groupies'. No. Nada.

Just me a simple boy who has anxiety towards the Crisis of this world. Thats untill I met a certain person, His name? Phillip Michael Lester. Sorry for just ranting about my life, not my fault im socially awkward.

Anywhore on with my story.

Glad you enjoy it M8s xD well this is just the Intro on stuff so it will ease in. Also there are Two writers on this account and its Me And Alex.

Well bye Mates!
-Zahara -Alex

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