Chapter 1: First Day

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Daniels P.O.V

"Daniel Howell? Here is your schedule." I nod and grab it then head to main corridor in the High School. Glancing at the people, I already was starting to panic a bit. I look to my left and see a Journal, it had all kinds of stickers on it. Muse, Fall Out Boy, Sonic, and Some cool Hobbit ones. "Oh Hello!" I turn to see a Male with black hair and blue eyes. The ones that make you melt. "H-Hello!" I replied to him. "Uh Names Phillip Lester, Just call me Phil. So..." I tried not losing my cool since I saw his friends playing behind him. "Dan Howell" He smiles and moves closer to me. "Well, not to be rude or anything but thats my journal your holding" he blushes while My cheeks start to grow a bit pink. I hand it over and start fundling with my Muse sweater. "Thanks. Now do you mind me making it up to you?" I was already starting to drop dead and just go home. "Sure" I say and see him gleaming with joy. "Great, give me your number and ill text you details later!" I grab a pen and write my number on his palm. "Talk to you soon Dan!" He said running off.

Time skip

"He said 5' O Clock straight At Hills Road." I comb threw my brown hair with my hands because of the suspense of silence. "Sorry Im late Dan! Totally not cool." I sigh and blush. "Lets go inside Mate." I smile a bit and walk into the which has twenty Disco balls. Well not exactly just more than 1. "Ok Dan, Im just gonna say hi to a few people and get us some booze" I look around full of drunk teens. "Yeah just a little for me." He smirks and walks to this group of friends. I walk to a couch and sit down to find other teens like me just getting high or making out. "Catherine, just dont worry. One booze wont kill you." I see a girl with purple hair say to her Platnium blond friend, Catherine. "Whatever Brooke! I'm Out." She leaves with a angry attitude. Well intresting. "Dan! Here have some!~" I hear a voice behind me slurr. "Phil, how many Drinks have you had?" he giggles and sits on the couch. "Just have a tiny bit Dan!~" I look at him and drink a slip then put down the cup. "Come on Dance!" "Phil I cant Dance." He starts dancing while I look behind me to find a Male with Brown slight curls staring at me and then walks away. "Come on Hands on my hips Dan".I place my hands on his hips and start swaying little by little. He starts to look at me and leans in. No! Is he going too... "Dan.." "Phil.." he then kisses my lips. There actually pretty soft.. Then he licks my lips for entrance and I granted his wish. Our Mouths swaying here and there like if we were dancing. I moan a bit. Then we needed air, fuck you air! "Shit.." How am I gonna talk to him tommorow... Do I Ask him. DAMN THAT FUCKING HELLO.

HEY MATES ITS ME ZAHARA! Ha i tired writing. ;-; anyways hoped you enjoyed it.


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