Chapter 5: Meet Our Crew

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Daniel's POV
"Thats how we can save Our Planet!" Said a Girl with Brown ombré like hair. We all clapped for her Science project, honestly shes kinda cute but im into Phil. Friends with Benefits..
All rang into my mind which honestly stinged in my heart but atleast I'll still be with him. "Dan Howell do you have your Project today?" I look up to see Mrs.Terry and I just nod then walk up.

Time skip....

"Dan! Dan!" I heard a girly voice behind me. Wait i dont have a girlfriend or a GIRL WHO IS MY ACTUAL FRIEND. I turn around to find that girl again. Her name? Is....ah Zoe. "Hey Zoe, whats the problem?" She smiles and hands me a packet from science. "I want to work with you on a science project, if thats ok?"
I grinned and handed her my phone number. "Sure, just text me when to meet up? And where?" I wave and walk away. "Do you mind if I sit with you actually?" I look at her to see her wearing a skirt, some Sweater from Muse, and did i mention she wears glasses. "Ah sure, Just dont get surprise when my friend gets there." She grins and walks with me to Lunch.

"Yo, Anthony where is Flippin Alfie?" I look at my best friend for 4 years now. "Ey he probably Just hiding from us, listening to FALL OUT BOY then us." I smile and walk to our table to see Dan with a girl with Ombré hair talking to her. Oh hell no.. "Oh Hey Phil! Meet Zoe, shes awesome and plus she Is my science project." I look at Dan and blush but then Anthony cough on me. "COUGH ANTHONY COUGH" I smile and held out my hand for her to shake my hand. "Meet my friend Anthony, Anthony this Dan my...Friend and this Is Zoe dan's Friend." He looked at me with a pokerface. "I know Zoe you digbat, shes my partner in History." She nodded while we sat down. "So Pewds got Sick so he cant hang with us today and Alfie is being a hoe not being over here." Anthony said to the crew. "So you guys offically join our crew, called ____." (you name the club lol)
I smile and continue to eat my shitty lunch. "So Daniel you single?" I hear Anthony say to him. I mean im not dating him or anything... "Ah yeah but im really not looking for a intimate thing yet.." He says and looks at me.
*RING RING* SAVED BY THE FUCKING BELL "Well I have Math see yah Later." I say and wait for Dan because he was in my class. "Oh i have history with Anthony so see ya Later!" She grinned and walked away.

Time skip to walking home with PHIL


I look at phil while he looks at me, we both were thinking the same thing do you want me to kiss you or me? Then he just smash his lips on mine. "I have to go before my Parents kill me!" I say looking at the sky to see the sun setting. "Dont worry Im sure they dont mind me coming over late wont they." I bit my lip. "My mom is a Big Homophobic but I guess we can try." He smiles. Oh that smile the one that kept me alive..


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