Chapter two: Bus ride

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Foxys POV
After I hopped on the bus I felt everybody staring. I quickly speed walk to the back of the bus and sat next to a purple haired boy. He looked at me and smiled and looked down again. I noticed him slip on some purple beats. I decided to talk to him. "Ay' me name is Foxy what's yours?" I asked. He looked at me a and smiled slightly. "M-my n-name is B-bonnie."He said softly. He seems to be shy. "Are you nervous? I now I am."I said in my normal voice. He looked at me and nodded. I look in front of me and I noticed a boy with greenish and yellowish hair staring at me."Uh hi my name is Foxy wha-""Not interested." He anserwed. I shrugged it off and continued to talk to Bonnie.

Bonnie's POV
I like how Foxy had the guts to talk to a wierdo like me."Hey look its the kids that there dad is the principle."I said pointing to two boys. One of them had brown hair and the other had yellow hair. It was like gold. "Well Bonnie I think we should talk to them don't you think?"He asked me. I shook my head no. "F-foxy I d-don't think-""HEY!" I was too late.

Freddy's POV
"HEY!"I heard. I turned and I see a boy with fox ears. His hair was red. I looked down his outfit and notice that the animatronic boy had a hook so a pirate huh?"Uh......Hi."I anserwed. Right next to him was a animatronic bunny. He had purple hair that was really dark. "What's your name?"Asked the red haired boy."Freddy. How 'bout you?"I anserwed."Foxy and who's that guy next to you?"He asked me. Goldie look at me and smiled. He turned around and smiled at them."Why hello."He said. I turned back and was about to anserwed till my brother anserwed.

Goldie's POV
"I'm Goldie! Hello Foxy and Bonnie."I anserwed before my twin could. They both smiled and waved at me. I sat back down and faced Freddy. "Freddy they seem cool should we hang out with them?""Sure I think so too."He anserwed with a smile. I began to smile. I face in the front and a girl with blond was right in front of my face."HI I'm Chica!"She squealed. I screamed and fell back on my chair.

Chica POV
Man this guy is jumpy."What's your name?"I asked kindly. He looked at me and sat up."Goldie."He anserwed. I smiled. Then I noticed that there was a boy that had light brown hair next to him. "And who are you?"I asked the one with brown hair. "Oh. My name is Freddy and you are Chica?""Yes."I anserwed. I thought for a moment and looked at him again. "How do you know my name?""I heard you saying it to my brother."He anserwed. I nodded and noticed a boy with red hair next to a cute purple haired boy. "Hello I'm Chica how 'bout you two whats your name?"I asked. The red haired boy gave me a bright smile which I blushed madly. "My name is Foxy."Hr anserwed."Oh well hi."I anserwed. I began to twirl my hair around. "I-im B-bonnie."The boy with purple hair said to me. I smiled and he looked down really fast. "Spppfff Foxy is he shy?" I asked Foxy. He nodded and patted Bonnie's back. "Hey we should all hang out!"Shouted Goldie. I nodded."Yea we should at lunch!" I squealed.

Foxys POV
"Yea it will be cool we could all know each other well!"Freddy said. We all agreed and stopped when we saw a bunch of kids outside."Whoah."I heard Bonnie said. I looked outside and felt my eyes wide. "Our Dad is the principle of this school?"Freddy asked Goldie."Yup!So COOL!" Goldie anserwed.

Freddy's POV
Wow my Dad is the boss of this school. Its huge!

Goldie's POV
Wow this school is awesome!

Bonnie's POV
Let the game begin. This school is huge.

Chicas POV

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