Chapter 8: The play

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Freddy's POV
I walked away from my locker and felt a push against the lockers."Well,Well, well Mr. Fuckbear is here not surprised."I heard. I looked up to see a boy that had purple hair like Bonnie but he had a purple uniform and white eyes."Who are you and who you calling Fuckbear?"I said. He gave me an evil look."Look I'm not here to play any games. I am concern with you being Mr. Tough guy with Springy. I don't like your adittude towards my friend."He said. I stared at him and rolled my eyes."It ain't my fault that he's rude to my friends."I felt a pain on my right cheek. I grunted as I felt to the floor."HEY!"I heard. I looked to see a girl with gray hair and a yellow tux."Who da you think you are Mate?"She shouted. I stared and Vicsent stared at her."None of your business you Poxy. Now MOVE!"He shouted. I growled. She growled and I noticed her punch the boy."Enough Vicsent! I'm tired of your BS!"She shouted. He got up and walked away. She huffed and turned around quickly and helped me up."Are you alright?"She said in her Australian accent. I looked at her eyes and noticed them blue."Yea thanks."I said smiling. I notice her blush."Hi I'm Freddy Fazbear what's yours?"I asked. She blushed. "Well, My name is Elouise Samials."She said. I knew she was a kangaroo because she had big ears."So.....your a kangaroo?"I said. She nodded."Yea well Freddy nice talking to ya'. Oh and by tha way. Are you free for lunch?"She said stopping and turning towards me."Nope I'm free see you then."I said winking. I noticed her blush.

Toy Chicas POV
I walked with Mangle to our next class which was 3rd period. We had it with all of the gang."Man I love theater!"Mangle said as we closed our lockers and grabbed our purses."Yea especially the play Mrs. Ramen told me to write."I said. Mangle jumped."OMG! What is it about!"She shouted."I'm not gonna tell you its a surprise!"I anserwed. She then walked into the auditorium."Okay class were doing a new play and your own student decided to create one!"Mrs. Ramen said. Everyone shouted my Name as I walked up to the stage.

Toy Bonnie
I watched as TC walked up the stage."Okay guys I create a play and its called Love comes softly. Its about a girl who is lost and scared of the world until a man came into her life and-""Wow this is going to be a love story!"Chica shouted. TC nodded."Yes and I am going to choose two fantastic couples to play it. Additions would be this Thursday and I am going to give out the scripts."She said. I smiled at her and ran up to her."Hey uh......are you going to be in the play?"I asked. She shook her head no and I felt devastated."No,but I do need someone's help with directing."She said looking at me. I pointed to myself and she nodded. I smiled. Yes I'm working with Toy Chica.

Foxys POV
I read the lines to Jacob. I like his style and plus Mangle wants the lead female so I think I'm gonna get the lead male."Hey Foxy what part do you want?"Mangle asked me while we walked on the stage."Well, I don't know. Yet."I said. She giggled. She looked at the stage and stand on the spotlight."Oh Jacob. I fell lost, lonely, and cold. I don't fell safe with this world. Your sister Melodie cut my hair. I'm awful! I can't stand how you could love me."Mangled said with tears in her eyes. I looked at my script and did the part."Oh Alice. You don't see it? You don't feel the love that I give you. I love you! I truly love your smile, your laugh and finally...."I finished holding her hands."Your love that you give everyone. You cared for a boy that doesn't have anything. Nothing!"I finished. Mangle looked at her script and blushed. I looked at her confused. I felt her place her lips on mine. I blushed madly."Holy Gravy's! Nice job with that scene!I heard Mrs. Ramen shout. Mangle pulled back and started to run."MANGLE WAIT!"I shouted."Hey Foxy!"I heard Chica. She pulled out a thumbs up and chased after Mangle.

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