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Where His Heart Lies » Nina is a young
teenager trying to fit into a new school
in a new country. Just when she is starting to make some friends she gets abducted and is being held captive in Hueco Mundo but the thing is she is allowed to continue a normal life going to school. Another story I wrote years agơ.

Being a teenager is hard, especially in today's society. One would say that these days life is a lot easier than it was 50 years ago but teenagers still have their own share of problems. They are required to work, go to school, and do homework. Did I mention the pressure of fitting in? And PEER PRESSURE? All teenagers want is to be normal and accepted by others. They are just starting to get settled into their aging bodies when hormones take over and screw up their mind so they can't think with good logic and their parents yell at them saying how their decision was wrong and now they have to be punished. Do parents even remember what it's like to be a teen with the pressures of everyday life on their shoulders? What if one had no parents to love or yell
at them, all they had was an older brother that is hardly around to give a crap. To make it even harder, imagine that you have no friends at all and are starting your first day at a new school. Everyone's face is new to you, would you be nervous? Imagine your life living at home practically alone, attending a new school, not knowing a soul. How would you deal with it?

Karakura high is a place that many ordinary teenagers attend with the regular jocks, preps, emos, geeks and even the odd lesbian or two attend. Average school with an average class size but this is all new to one who has never been to school before.

Nina had her nose stuck in a paper layout of the high school that a secretary from the head office gave her. Class hasn't even begun and the pressure of being at a new school was starting to get to her but she tried to keep calm by focusing on the map and just finding her way to the right class room. It would be much easier if the halls were less empty but what can you expect on the first day back from summer vacation. Kids were everywhere scrambling to find their class room; one bumped Nina from behind startling her causing her to jump. The paper flew out of her hand and got lost in the heard of people. Nina just sighed and headed towards where she thought her class was next thing she knew the bell just rang and the halls began to get less empty. Not wanting to be the only one in the hall, she walked into the nearest class room and plunked herself down at a desk in the back hoping that no one would notice if she was in the wrong class.

"Good morning class!" The teacher said ecstatically. Most of the class groaned but there was one orange haired girl who sat in the front who immediately responded with a joyful 'good morning' back. Probably some teachers pet. Nina rested her head on her fist and looked around at all the faces that she was going to have to get used to. Let's see, there was miss bubbly in the front, four eyes beside her, a tank towering over him, wait a minute... Is that a boy or a girl beside him? Must be a girl since it's in a skirt. And carrot top. Ewwwwww, who's that weird brown hair guy? He looks like a creep. Everyone else just looks the same. "Welcome to Karakura high. I'm Miss Ochi. The only reason I say that is because I see a new student with us this year. Why don't you come on up and introduce yourself." Nina's heart stopped for a moment when she realized the teacher was talking to her. She couldn't bring herself to walk up to the front of the class so she just stood where she was and held onto her chair to keep her from losing her balance. The whole class faced her and it seemed like they stared holes through her.

"I'm um, Nina." Was all she said.

"And where have you come from?" The teacher kindly questioned.

"N-North America."

"Wow that's a long ways to come."

"Yeah..." Nina said sitting down and rolling her eyes.

"Well welcome to Karakura Town Nina. We hope you enjoy your stay." The teacher finished and Nina sighed once she looked away out the side window in the far back. Nina began day dreaming, she had a problem with it back when she was a child, and sitting by the window didn't help. Something about being by a window increased her odds of daydreaming it was bad enough without it. This at least helped time go by a little quicker. Nina turned her head to look at the clock once, 10:00 o'clock. Half an hour and then came the first break. Not too much longer. Nina subconsciously looked back outside and noticed something. Why was there some one floating? No not floating, the movement was to jerky for that, it was more like they were just being thrown around. But nothing else was there. Looking closer, the look on the person's face was not one of pleasure but of fright. Something had to have been aggravating it but that's impossible, no one else was there.

"Can I go to the washroom?" Nina unnecessarily half shouted above everything else drawing all eyes on her.

"Can't you wait half an hour, Nina?" The teacher asked. Nina shook her head and the teacher sighed. "Fine, go ahead but be quick." Nina took no time at all and ran out of the class room and down the nearest set of stairs. Something was really weird outside and she was going to find out if it killed her. When she flung the doors open she could definitely make out a giant figure that was tossing the poor girl around. She couldn't tell what the heck it was, it was more like a blur of movement from what it was standing in front of.

"Help! Help me!" The victim cried.

"Hey what's going on?" Nina ran up to the girl.

"Something's attacking me!" Nina shifted her head from one side to the other to keep contact with the girl. An unseen foot came crashing down next to Nina leaving a gigantic foot print beside her and a large boom followed by her screaming. Nina tried to fight whatever was there off with her fists but it was no use fighting something that you couldn't see but a glimmer of hope came through when Nina felt something.

"Hey I think I felt something." She half cheered.

"Why are you throwing around punches like you're blind, can't you see it."

"Um, not really." She said in a sarcastic voice. An unseen tail lifted Nina off of the ground and swung her around in the air as if she were almost weightless. "Crap!" Nina shouted while being tossed into a brick wall. Nina heard the girl scream again just before disappearing into something that looked like a mouth and started panicking. She finally decided that she had had enough so she bit into the beast's tail. Once her teeth made deep contact, she could see the monster for what it fully was. It had a white mask like thing and the rest of its body was all hairy, it looked like a giant mole with a fish skull on it for a head. The monster screamed a piercing scream and tossed Nina into the same brick wall, this time she fell about a story fall before hitting the ground. "My vision's... fading." Just before she closed her eyes, she saw a blur of black running and probably attacking the monster that had just thrown Nina. Soon her vision was all black.

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