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"Pay attention everyone. The transfer student that I told you about is here." The teacher said. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" The new student stood in front of the class comfortably and told everyone the symbolism of his name. He was kind of weird looking. He had a blonde bowl cut that was normally hated by many but it was longer than most making it look a little better than usual.

"Shinji Hirako." He said proudly bowing to it as well. "Very nice to meet you."

"Hey Shinji, it's the other way around." The Teacher noticed while looking at the black board. Nina as well as the rest of the class couldn't help but chuckle and Shinji's joke.

"It's a really good trick isn't it. Backward writing is a very unusual skill of mine." He smiled weirdly while waving up his writing hand.

"So that's what you were up to. Now, where will we have you sit?"

"Oh Miss Ochi?"

"What?" The teacher said almost impatiently.

"I'd like to sit next to a cute girl."

"A cute girl?"


"In that case, I think we'd better have you sit there." She pointed to a spot next to Ichigo but behind Nina Chad was on his left and Uryuu was just one seat below Chad making it a mostly boy zone except for Nina.

"Okay!" He sang making everyone laugh but Ichigo. He almost danced over to his seat and he winked at Nina just before he walked past her and pulled out his chair he then turned to Ichigo with a big teeth bearing smile. "Looks like you and I are going to be neighbours." Ichigo half gasped as Shinji sat down. "Yeah, I hope we can be friends... Ichigo." Something in his voice sounded like it was a little sarcastic. Nina raised an eyebrow at this.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sure thing." Was all Ichigo said. Shinji chuckled as his smile pulled up even more. Miss Ochi started her lesson plan and turned her back on the class to write on her chalk board.

"Hey there cutie." Shinji said leaning forward near Nina's ear. This caused her to shiver then blush. "Looks like we're going to be sitting by each other." Without thinking, Nina fiercely lifted her hand punching Shinji on the nose with the back of her fist. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Shinji, are you already causing trouble?" Miss Ochi turned around from the chalkboard finding that Shinji was cupping his hands over a bleeding nose.

"Um, no it was nothing. I'll be right back." Shinji said getting up then running to the bathroom. Some of the class laughed but Nina sunk down in her chair trying to camouflage herself from everyone.

At lunch, Nina was the first to sit down of her supposedly called friends and really felt bad for punching Shinji on the nose. She didn't mean it. It was like something got to her and made her do it. Nina looked up from her food and seen Shinji walking into the cafeteria with a large deluxe lunch bag that looked as if it could pack a meal for a small family. He sure must eat a lot. Nina was trying to avoid eye contact with Shinji since he was coming right her way and he sat down beside her at the lunch table.

"Hey there cutie." He smiled his usual teeth bearing smile. "That sure was an unexpected punch from such a cute girl."

"I have a name." Nina's voice rose.

"I'm sorry. How very rude of me. What is your name there girlie?" He said in a playfully mocking tone.

"It's Nina."

"Nina. That's a cute name. Suits you just fine." Shinji said and Nina almost blew a fuse. "I hope we can be friends."

"Why are you like this?" Nina loudly questioned almost slamming her juice box on the table.

"Oh, come on. I'm just playing with ya. No harm in it."

"But you're bothering me."

"I didn't mean to. You sure get annoyed easily don't you there princess?"

"Gah! I can't take it anymore." Nina shouted "get away from me." She yelled running out the door.

"I'm just playing with—Hey! Where are you going? Nina come back here!" Shinji shouted running after Nina. He followed her out the door and chased her down the hallway. "Cutie, I mean Nina, wait up!"

"No!" She yelled in between heavy breaths taken. "You're creepy." Shinji paid little attention to what Nina was saying he just continued to run after her until she stopped.

"Why am I so creepy? Is it something I said?"

"Yeah, you, you're hair, your tongue piercing, you're just creepy in general!" Nina yelled continuing to run down the halls of the school. The end was in sight and the only thing slowing them down was a large metal door Nina tried to fling open as quick as possible then she shut it almost on Shinji's nose. He stepped back a little before it hit him then he opened it up. By the time Shinji opened the door, Nina had disappeared out of his sight. He looked all across the field holding his hand up to his eyes to keep the sunlight out of it.

"Nina! Where are you my sweet?!" He shouted so that almost everyone in the school yard could here. Nina madly blushed while panting up in a tree where she decided to hide. Shinji trotted from one side of the field to the other, Nina's heart beat picked up when he neared her tree then left again. She was so busy focusing on Shinji that she didn't notice Ichigo was starring up into the tree at her.

"Hey, Nina. I didn't see you at lunch today. Where were you?" Ichigo waved. Nina lift up one shaken finger and pointed it towards the maniac.

"The guy with the really bad bowl cut is after me!" She said, Ichigo turned around to try to see who it was who was after her.

"Aha! There you are!" Shinji pointed up into the tree from across the pavement then he almost sprinted over. Nina hugged the coarse trunk of the tree as the creeper ran towards her. Ichigo stepped in the way causing Shinji to fall over from bumping into his hard body.

"What's the big idea?" Ichigo questioned while looking at Shinji with cold eyes.

"Er, uh, nothing. I just wanted to see my sweet Nina. Got a problem... Ichigo?" Shinji said Ichigo's name just like he did in the class room. He said it as if he knew something about him that nobody else knew, like he had a dirty secret and if he did one thing wrong, Shinji would spill it and he had the same smile on his face, it was almost... evil... no, scheming. The look on Ichigo's face showed that he was uncomfortable when Shinji addressed him like that so he just lifted his eyebrow to try to hide it. Shinji stood up then patted the dirt off of his clothes. "Fine, I can see I'm not wanted here. See you in class Nina." Nina watched Shinji's back as he walked away back into the building since he never had a chance to have lunch. Ichigo turned back to Nina.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Man, why do I have to sit in front of that guy?" Nina said and Ichigo just chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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