Chapter 1

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I knocked on the door in front of me twice. Soon I heard a footsteps, but barley since the storm was so bad it made my fair fly in all different directions. Soon the door opened and I was greeted by Karan, Shion's mother.

"Oh you're finally here, (y/n)." She said while ushering me into her house. I stepped into the building and brushing my hair out of my face.

"Where's Shion?" I asked while taking of my coat and boots and handing them over to Karan so she can put them away.

"He's upstairs in his room," she said while heading to the kitchen,"but before you go would you like some dinner?" She asked while in the kitchen.

"Sure, but me and Shion need to work on a project." I said about to head up the stairs.

"Well, then bring it up for the both of you," she walked out of the kitchen with two trays of food, "here you go and be careful." She told me with a bright smile. She was always a mother figure for you since your mother had been arrested for some kind of felony, but who would believe the crap that No.6 tells its citizens? Apparently all of its citizens do since they just eat up all their lies like hungry animals.

I took the trays out of Karan's hands and started my way up the stairs toward Shion's room. I opened the door and walked in too the dark room.

"Shion? Where are you?" I asked looking around the room. Unlike most people in No.6 I could see well in the dark never knew why, but I could navigate in the dark easily. Maybe from all those times when I wake up in the middle of the night and just walk around the house quietly since I can never fall back to sleep again.

I heard a few whispers coming from Shion's closet I quietly set down the trays onto the floor quietly then I made my way to the closet door not making a sound in the proses. I opened the door quickly it scaring who ever was in the closet.

There were two people in the closet one was Shion and the other one was a boy mine and Shion's age.

"Shion who's that?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

"Shion I thought you said she left the room." Growled the unknown boy.

"W-Well I didn't know she was going to sneak up on us?" Shion said while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. The other boy just grumbled and looked toward me.

"How did you do that?" He asked me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do what?" I asked him not knowing what he meant.

"How did you sneak up on us like that?" He asked with irritation lacing his words.

"You need to have something that is called skill." I said smirking at the dark haired boy and sitting cross legged next to Shion. The unknown boy just grumbled in return at my answer. I looked around the closet and saw a first aid kit on the ground with a needle.

"What's with the first aid kit?" I asked looking at Shion.

"W-Well you see he-he cut himself on...on his arm and i-it looked pretty bad so I helped h-him" Shikn said stuttering a lot.

"You need a needle for bandaging up a little cut?" I asked knowing that Shion was lying. He's the worst lier in the history of liars.

"Ye-Yes?" He said well more like asked.

"Shion I'm like a human lie detector and you're the worst lier in the history of liars even a blind person can see that" I said while sighing. I heard the unknown boy chuckle.

"It's funny cause it's true." He said in between chuckles.

"Sh-Shut up Rat!" Shion said blushing in embarrassment.

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