Chapter 9

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Your POV.:

We swam with the current giving us a small boost. We swam and swam with Rat in the lead. Then after awhile of swimming he pointed towards a wheel like knob (have no clue what they're called sry.)

We all swam towards it and started to turn it. I started to feel lightheaded since I wasn't used to holding my breath in for so long. Then with just another turn the door opened and Shion was pulled into it then shortly after I fell down doing some sort of flip and landing on my back, but on something wet and soft. Then I realized I was either laying in shit or Shion. I looked bellow me and spotted Shion sighing in relief.

Soon Rat came and he somehow landed crouched on his feet. How off.

I koffed up water while rolling off of Shion who was also koffing and gasping for air like I was. And Rat was just huffing like he just ran a marathon.

I was ready to lay down and rest, but Rat stopped me from doing that by saying, "A little too early to rest now," his words made me grown, and I started to stand up.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked Rat while giving him the goggles and shaking my head trying to get rid of some of the "water". 

"The sewer system. A 20th century artifact...actually, it's still being used," Rat stated, "when the sewage exceeds capacity, doors like this one open up and it drains into the older sewer system," Rat finished shaking his head also trying to get rid the water in his dark hair.

"Well shit, literally," I said sipping my face with my wet sleeve and shaking a little trying to get the water out of my clothes.

"Sewage? They drain it without treating it?" Where does it go?" Why is Shion asking so many questions and there all the wrong questions too. Like why does he care where it goes? Sometimes I just don't understand him, he can be such an airhead at times. I sigh and put my hands on my knees while bending over still trying to ketch my breath and lower my heart beat.

"West Block." Rat answers, "it's not inside the city limits. Outside the wall's just a place to dump No.6 garbage. To him, anyway," Rat said answering all of Shion's questions.

"Who?" Shion asked curiously and I was curious on who Rat was talking about, but Rat just bent down and picked up his Rat that led us to the door and picked him up.

"Let's get going," Rat said staring to walk of.

"Agreed" I replied standing up straight and following him with Shion in tow.

As we were right below an opening to the surface when I hear Shion stop abruptly behind me as I look behind me, I see Shion slaps the nape of his neck and holds it with pure terror written all over his face.

"Shion are you okay?" I asked him worry lacing my every word.

I guess my question caught Rat's attention because he looked at Shion to, "what's up?" He asked Shion raising a brow at him.

"...nothing," was Shion's only reply as Rat kept on climbing up the latter. I followed closely behind with Shion right on my heels, but I still kept one eye on Shion since I wasn't convinced with his answer at all and I can't believe Rat bought Shion's lie.

When we got to the top my eyes were blinded by light, but then they had a judged to the light and I saw before me West Block. We where a little farther from the edge of town and we had a pretty view, well it wasn't a pretty sight it looked like a nuclear bomb hit this place and people just made houses out of the debris they could find.

"So this is...West Block..." Shion said looking at the city before him. I just turned around and followed Rat as we were Ina. Town like place, but it looked completely abandoned by humanity and the houses looked hand built from debris.

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