Goku's Bad Feeling

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Goku P.O.V

Watching the girls trying to use ki is pretty funny, but instead of them hearing me laugh out loud, all they needed to be doing right is concentrating, instead of straining themselves.

I started to smiling, while Weiss then looked like she was out of breath as she then noticed me smiling.

She felt a bit embarrassed as I then saw her blush while she looked down at the ground.

I chuckled a bit as they kept on trying and trying.

All of a sudden I felt a little bit of ki appearing in each of them.

I smiled as I thought to myself, "Wow, these girls are really starting to get the hang of this. I can barely sense a hint of their ki, but at least they've made this type of progress! So, what do think Summer? You must be proud of your little girls. Ruby and Yang sure have come far to get to where they wanted to be, and I sure wish you were here to see it."

More and more I started to feel their ki increase. They all then stopped as they seemed extremely tired and out of breath.

I noticed the time and then said, "Alright girls, let's wrap it up for today. We'll continue this session tomorrow."

As I got up off of the ground, all of the girls then huddled up and whispered something to each other, as I also started to hear some complaining and cooperation.

They all then walked up to me as Ruby then asked me, "Uncle Goku, it's been a while since we've seen each other, so me and my team have come up with an agreement!"

I noticed Weiss blushing and Blake blushing too but not that much.

Yang then said, "We decided if you'd be interested in being our honorary new roommate!"

I started to think as I then smiled and said, "Sure, I don't really think I have my own room so thanks!"

Ruby and Yang then ran up to me and hugged me as Ruby then said, "Come on Weiss, Blake, we have to group hug our new roommate."

Her cheery tone just made Weiss roll her eyes as the other two girls then hugged me too.

I then thought of something and had a bit of an idea, as I then said, "Hey girls, how about I help you all get to your dorm?"

I crouched down as I told Weiss to get on my back.

She seemed a bit confused about it but then decide to do it.

I then picked up Ruby and carried her bridal style.

I told both Yang and Blake to wrap themselves around my arms as I then asked them, "Alright, you all hanging on tight?"

Weiss still seemed a bit confused as she then asked, "Um, Mister Goku, I know your being nice but, we can walk on our own to our barracks."

I smiled as I then said, "Who said anything about walking?"

I soon started to float up in the air as all of the girls then were surprised as they clenched on to me even tighter.

I slowly started to fly towards their dorms as Yang then said, "Wow, this is amazing Uncle Goku! I can't believe you can fly!"

Ruby then said, "This is awesome Uncle Goku! Wait a minute, can we learn how to do this?"

I nodded at Ruby and said, "Yup, you all just need to train on your ki. By the time you four can handle controlling it, then you guys will probably be ready to learn how to fly."

Ruby then cheered as she raised her hands up in the air, "Yes! Oh man, this is going to be great!"

Weiss then said, "Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves Ruby. This is not possibly something we can just learn in simply a few days."

Blake then seemed to have been cuddling with my arm as she said, "Well, I sure hope so, because I could actually get used to doing something like this."

My arm was feeling something move, as I also felt some fluffy hair from Blake's bow.

I guess that's something that needs to be explained later on in time. We finally made it to their barracks as they all then got off of me.

I was amazed to see their beds stacked up with each other. I raised one of my eyebrows and asked confusingly, "Uh, is that how all the beds are around here?"

Yang smiled and said proudly, "Nope. We set it up like this, so our dorm is pretty much is the only one with hand built bunk beds."

Weiss then said, "Yeah, they seem a bit unstable, but they should hold up pretty good."

Ruby then said, "Sorry that we don't have an extra bed Uncle Goku."

I smiled as I then said, "It's ok, I'll just sleep on the floor, I got a futon so I'll be fine!"

I then started set it all up on the floor as I said, "There, all done! It looks good, it barely managed to fit."

I looked at the clock as I then realized it was sunset already. I was about to tell the girls to get to sleep, but I noticed all of them in their pajamas already!

I thought to myself, "Man these girls are fast. I guess the ki training helped them out a lot more then they thought. I have a strange feeling that tomorrow is going to be one heck of an interesting day."

I then went to each girl and tucked them into bed and rubbed each of their heads, as I noticed each of them getting a light smile on their faces.

Never thought that I'd ever be teaching anyone anything, but I guess things just end up the way they should. And I'm glad I get to teach these four.

I just hope that whatever happens next, doesn't end up harming these girls.

An Abandoned Warehouse

An orange haired cigar smoking criminal mastermind plotting his next scheme.

A member of the white fang walked up to him with a briefcase filled with dust. He then gave him his payment for the dust.

He picked up one of the dust crystals as he then puzzled and said, "We're gonna need more men."

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