Taking Control

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Salem P.O.V

Cinder had begun to get better from her injury which she received by the silver eyed girl who she faced at the Fall of Beacon.

At first, I believed she was actually capable of recovering quickly, but as I was watching her training to regain her full control of her maiden powers, I began to feel disappointment.

She struggled to maintain her balance and keep her composure intact while she showed worry and fear, as she fought a few of my little creatures of Grimm.

I had seen enough as I said while I walked around Cinder, "Stop. I thought you yourself said that you would be the one to fulfil and be worthy as the wielder of the Fall Maiden powers. Don't tell me that all you have told me has been nothing but lies."

She looked at me hesitantly, as she then nodded in denial making it clear that she wanted to continue to prove herself to my loyalty.

All of a sudden, a certain someone had returned from his mission with my pink creation laughed happily at him.

Tyrian had been shivering, as I saw his blood dripping from the missing tip of his scorpion tail.

He staggered his way slowly as he said to himself frightened and worried, "She'll forgive me. I know it, she'll understand."

He fell on his knees and whimpered, as Buu had been laughing and jumped up in down, while I slowly approached them and asked, "Tyrian, you have returned, and you seem to have been injured. I suspect that you are here because you have succeeded in your mission, correct?"

He looked up at me and said frightened, "N-No my lady.....I-I haven't retrieved the girl.....b-but I poisoned Qrow! He has been a bug that you have wanted to crush and get out of your hair."

That news was the last thing I wanted to hear, especially from my most loyal and psychotic pawn. I noticed Buu being in a very good mood then he usually is, since he's quite happy most of the time as I asked, "Buu, you seem to be in a very good mood. I presume that you had fun playing with the Orange Jet?"

He chuckled as he said, "Buu have fun, fun, fun! Buu make Orange Jet hurt! Buu kill!"

He laughed as he spotted a Beowolf growling at him and then cupped his hands together while he got in a stance.

He began to yell, as a light blue sphere of energy began to glow and emit immense power. He soon fired off the attack and completely disintegrated the Beowolf into ashes, as I smiled and saw Cinder in total shock as I asked her, "Cinder, is that one of the Orange Jets technique?"

She looked at me and nodded in approval as I then said to Tyrian, "Well, it seems Buu is a fast learner, and in one of the best moods he's ever been, but that still does not repay your unsuccessful mission. Never have I thought I'd be so disappointed."

I turned around and started walking away as I said, "Come Buu, you must be hungry. You'll have your fun again once we see if you'll need to take action again."

Buu had laughed joyfully, while he skipped happily next to me, as he knew he usually receives his huge mountain of sweets whenever he's hungry.

I had heard Tyrians cries of despair and suffering, as I soon heard it shift to being cryful tears to sadistic pleasure in killing something.

I chuckled and said, "My, now things will certainly play very differently the next time they clash. And when that time comes, only then I will get to see the ones who have been true problems towards me."

Yang P.O.V

I felt like the time finally came that I'd be able to fight again.

I was spray painting my new robot arm which was on the ground over some cardboard, as I soon got done painting the matching yellow and red colors which were exactly identical to my other gauntlet.

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