Chapter One-Carter

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THE NIGHT STARTED OUT FINE, we were celebrating winning against Apophis. I didn't even plan the party, I was looking at scrolls when Sadie came in with balloons and a multicolored shirt that had, 'WE BEAT YOUR BUTT!' written on the front. While I was looking at her Walt and Zia blind-folded me and dragged me to a dark room where the forced me to dance with them to the song, 'Champions' with flashing lights. Around eleven we left to our rooms to try and get some sleep. For once I decided to sleep on the headrest,

[No, Sadie I did not listen to you!]

Then out of the blue I heard the my name.


"You weren't actually supposed to call!" I screamed to no one.

"CARTER! SHUT UP!" Sadie yelled in the next room. I reluctantly got up from my bed, threw on some clothes, I had gotten better at doing magic through them. I made sure my khopesh, magician bag, and extra clothes were in the Duat and walked up to Sadie's door. She opened up before I knocked, she was also in clothes. And her hair now had bright purple streaks in them,

"How the Horus did you know? And have enough time to re-dye your hair?" I asked, Sadie shrugged,

"I'm just bloody amazing!" Sadie smiled, "And I guess your girlfriend and my boyfriend are amazing too." Sadie moved the door so I could see Walt and Zia there on the bed.

"So, Carter," Walt started, "what is this about?" I started to fidget. I haven't told them about Percy yet, we were kind of busy with the snake trying to swallow the sun, and when I remember I was to afraid to tell Sadie. She's not that 'listen to you' type,

"I have a story to tell you..." I went into my strange tale of me meeting Percy, after I finished the only one who wasn't looking at me like I was nuts was Walt. Anubis must've been talking to him about something like this.

"M'Kay," Zia nodded once, "we'll see. Sadie, please make a portal." Sadie brought out her staff and made the portal in about thirty seconds. I didn't know where it led but, I made a promise with Percy. We all jumped in.

* * *

We landed on the deck of a ship, no one was there. But the sound outside I could hear the ocean, Sadie looked around,

"Where are we?" Sadie asked. There were about eight rooms on the floor we were on, I didn't answer so she yelled, "WELL, I DON'T THINK WE SHOULD BE HIJACKING A BOAT!" The lights turned on suddenly and all eight doors opened at once. Eight teens got out, the youngest two were at least thirteen.

"What are you doing on my ship?" A kid who curly brown asked his hands on fire. I think he expecting us to be freaking out we just stared at him. He extinguished his hands, "Well that was a waste of time. But really who are you guys? And which one of you are single, I'm Leo Valdez, by the way." Zia stepped up to him,

"I'm Zia Rashid," she pointed to me, "that's Carter Kane, my boyfriend." She pointed to Walt, "That's Walt Stone. I'd introduce Sadie but she'll do her own thing," Sadie smiled, and yelled, "A'max!" So her hands had white hot flames on them,

"I'm Sadie Kane! My boyfriend's Walt!" Leo frowned muttered something like, 'Why can't I have a fine lady?' and dropped his hammer like 'Game Over' and shuffled in his room. The girl next to him rolled her multicolored eyes,

"I'm Piper McLean," Piper smiled, "don't mind Leo, he'll just be alone forever." Another guy with a kind of blue eyes I like to call, 'Sadie Blue' laughed,

"I'm Jason Grace, Piper's boyfriend." The others quickly introduced themselves,

"I'm Hazel Levesque, Frank's girlfriend," Hazel smiled which made me realized that they only just started dating. Like me and Zia, and Sadie and Walt.

"Guess that's my cue, I'm Frank Zhang," The last guy reminded me so much of Anubis I almost said: Hey, Anubis.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, Hazel's brother." I think he wanted us to ask questions, but we knew about this. I mean, Sadie's my sister. Nico yawned and shuffled into his room. Hazel took a deep breath,

"We'll continued this in the morning, you can sleep..." Hazel trailed off. Sadie looked at the end of the hallway,

"Those two are empty," Sadie observed, they took a deep breath and looked at each other.

"Okay, but those belong to two of our friends. So keep it clean," Jason said, something clicked in my mind,

"Lemme guess, one of them is Percy. He never told me his last name," All of their eyes widened, Frank looked at me,

"We have to talk to you." Frank yawned, "See you in the morning,"

* * *

The dream was like this:

I was in the throne room the gods were arguing. I looked to the side and I saw twelve more gods I didn't reconize, Sadie, Walt, and Zia were right next to me. They all looked at me and shrugged,

"Our pharoh will not converse with your children!" Horus argued,

"My son needs to be saved!" A god with sea green eyes yelled.

"So does my daughter!" A goddess with stormy grey eyes screamed.

"My son and daughter will help, they will understand." Dad said calmly, I saw Sadie chest swell,

"Do we have a part in this?!" Sadie yelled, the gods turned in our general direction.

"Of course you do mysterious voice." Thoth said like he was comforting a toddler. They goddess with the gray eyes put her hand to her face,

"How did you get the title 'God of Wisdom'?" She asked, Thoth shrugged.

"I do not know, it was the only job left. I would've been fine with 'The God of Rock and Barbeque'," Isis clickered her tounge,

"Idiot, but we need to tell the magicians, that for this war, the gods are back."


Okay that was the first chapter! So, who should I do next?

Every chapter I'll have a question, answer it and you'll have the next chapter will be for you.


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