Chapter Two-Leo

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I was awaken by Sadie's squealing, Carter's screaming, Walt's questioning, and Zia's blubbering. I have to admit I was slightly envious of Carter and Walt, they got the finest girls this side of the Mississippi, Sadie and Zia. They both had that...Thalia attitude, it was heaven up until they both said they had boyfriends, I was slightly surprised that no one asked about that fire thing Sadie did. It was late, cut us some slack. I promised myself we'd ask her later.

I poked my head out my door and walked out to see what they were doing. But apparently my idea wasn't alone, everyone else on the Argo II (excluding Coach Hedge) was outside their doors ready to knock. Before they could Sadie opened the door with a smile plastered on her face.

"C'mon in! We have great 'clearing up everything' news!" Sadie said cheerfully, we all walked in and sat on Percy's bed, but we all sniffled a bit before we did. I could just remember watching hopelessly on the deck of the Argo II as my idol, Percy Jackson and his kick-butt girlfriend, Annabeth Chase plummet into Tartarus. Nico ensured us that they were alive everyday, still hurt everyone on the ship.

"What's this about?" Piper asked yawning. Zia took a deep breath,

"Well, we are Egyptian Magicians,"

"Like, pulling bunnies out of hats? 'Cause if you can, I need a bunny named Buttercup! Make him fluffy!" I demanded, Carter glared at me,

"No...we do the following: cast spells, fight Egyptian gods,"

"Egyptian Gods!" Jason sighed, Carter shrugged,

"Yeah, I promise more info later, and Sadie punches anyone who say that we pull bunnies out of hats," I didn't realize what was going on until it was too late. Sadie punched me square in the chest causing me to fly backwards into the wall and knock over Percy's empty bookshelf. (Annabeth made me put in there, Percy started whining like a little jobless baby)

"So you guys are like, demigods?" Frank asked, they cocked their heads,

"What?" Sadie asked, Hazel explained what it meant, "No! Gross, a daughter of Isis, it just makes me die a little inside." Carter, Zia, and Walt looked just as distribed as Sadie, "We just y'know fight and host gods,"

"Host?" Jason quesioned, they all explained what hosting was. It was pretty creepy, Sadie constantly used the word 'possessed' which caused Carter to hit her. Then Sadie punched back and soon they were in a full out fight. Sadie pushed Carter out onto the deck and they tried to kill each other then a huge explosion rattled the deck. They stopped almost instantly, I ran into the dining room where I heard it. The seats were blown off into the wall, the screen of Camp Half-Blood was cracked into two, and the entire room was black as soot.

"Whoa, what happened?" Piper asked, Sadie and Carter sheepishly raised their hands.

"It sort of happens every time we fight," Carter said, Zia and Walt looked at the wreckage,

"You guys are getting better." Zia smiled at them, Sadie and Carter high fived,

"Yeah, progress."

"How is this progress?" I screamed looking at my dinning room that was now shambles.

"We usually destroy bulidings," Sadie smiply said. "Oh, I got it," Sadie brought out a piece of ivory carved like a boomerang, "Hi~nehm!" Suddenly everything looked perfect. Everything was even polished, then Sadie promptly collapsed, Hazel started panicking but Walt just picked her up and propped her in her chair.

"It happens," Walt admitted, Sadie suddenly shook awake. She had a mad look on her face,

"Oh, gods," Sadie muttered. "this will blow." Before any of us could ask what would blow the dining room melted away and suddenly we were in a throne room. But the gods weren't the gods I've seen as statues around the camp, but bizarre gods.

"Hi guys!" Carter smiled.

"Hello Carter, Sadie, Walt, Zia." They said back. Sadie grinned brightly.

"DADDY!" Sadie ran to a god with blue skin, dragging Carter with her. They hugged the blue guy for a while,

"Hey Sadie, Carter?" I intruptted their family moment, "I thought you said you weren't demigods."

"We aren't." they said in usion, then Sadie punched him in the arm without looking,"Jinx." Carter glared at her while rubbing his brusied arm. "Our dad's host is this guy, Oirsis." Suddenly Sadie was grabbed by a blur of leporad prints. She was being hugged by a goddess.

"Bast!" Carter yelled joining in on the hug. Now I was completely lost,

"I cannot be the only one completely confused, right." I whispered to Jason,

"I'm lost too, who are they. I mean I know that they're the Egyptian gods, but why are they so friendly with Sadie and Carter?"

"Guys," Carter interuppted our conversation, "this is Bast, goddess of cats. And this is my dad or Orisis, god of the Underworld." I couldn't help but glance at Nico who was already glaring at me. I turned back around instantly, dang, Hades kid was creepy. Walt and Zia got a hug from Bast too, we got a handshake from her. Bast was really friendly, unlike my Aunt Rosa's cat, Wiffles, who hated everything. Air, trees, happiness, you name it he hated it.

"I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephestus." I glanced at Sadie and winked. A beautiful goddess with transparent rainbow wings glared hard at me the message was clear, 'Touch Sadie and I will destroy you.' Kinda like Annabeth described the look Athena gives Percy,

"I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." A goddess squealed at Piper,

"I'm Hathor, goddess of love. And you're beautiful in a way I don't see anymore: natural," Hathor and Piper smiled at each other. Piper obviously like Hathor better than Aphrodite,

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." Sadie and Walt seemed troubled at Jason's Roman heritage. I wonder why,

"Hazel Levelquse, daughter of Pluto,"

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars."

"Well we just wanted to say hi," the goddess who glared at me said, Sadie looked suprised.

"You're nicer than I remember, Isis. Spending time with Thoth must've chipped at your ice queen exterior." Isis shook her head at Sadie. I was shocked that she was talking to a goddess like that. I heard Percy liked mess with the gods but Sadie she was plain insluting them.

"No, Sadie. Someone wanted to say hi," suddenly a parade float went through, it had music, sparklers, and a paper mâche recreation of the word 'Hi' in the front. And riding on top was a blonde god with a lab coat on.



So this was that 'Thoth' guy he was either the god of madness, or parties. Why he was wearing a lab coat was beyond me. Sadie and Thoth talked for a few minutes and when Sadie said something about Carter Thoth would steal a glance at Carter. And he said something about an 'Anubis' and Sadie slapped him, hard. Sadie had a death-wish with the gods. Us demigods held our breath, but Thoth held his face and kept talking.

"Excuse me?" Piper asked, "Why didn't Sadie get like smited?" Thoth shrugged,

"No one messes with Sadie Kane. No. One." Sadie seemed pleased by the answer.

"Enough on why Thoth fears Sadie," Isis rolled her eyes, "we need a favor. Can you kinda babysit Thoth for a week?" Sadie grinned, Carter sighed, and Zia and Walt seemed upset,

"Okay..." Carter frowned. And that's how we got a god on the Argo II,



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