Chapter 1

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Fight, Fight, Fight

The sounds of people shouting and cheering run on through the building as I made my way through the crowds towards the sign in area. As I speedily walked through the crowd I bumped into multiple people but only one person stood out, a male about my age charged past me only looking back at me then continuing walking. As I arrived at the check-in, I took in the atmosphere of the drunk males and women with skimpy clothes on, walking through the crowds being pushed and shoved I finally saw Nick, the owner of the fighting bar standing behind the bar and serving fighters.

Slipping up on to the bar stools I said in a confident voice " One beer Nicky Boy." Upon hearing my voice he turned around and gave me a disappointed look. "Sorry Liv, I'm still not giving you alcohol. You're still to young to drink." An expression of fake shock sprung on to my face. "But Nick, why I want a drink" I whined to Nick hoping he would give me a drink. In response he turned his back to me and continued serving drunk people.

Bouncing off of the bar stool I walked to the training room to warm up for my fight. Entering the room the sound of fists hitting the punching bag rung through my ears. Bringing a sense of familiarity to me, walking to the benches I sat down and struggled to wrap some tape around my fists. The sound of punching soon became forgotten as the male that was punching the bag walked towards me. Reaching the bench he pulled his bag toward himself and started shuffling through the contents. Looking up through the eyelashes, I met the eyes of this unknown male.

Dropping his work out bag on the bench her turned towards me, gripping my hands. Which were paling in comparison to his hands, he started wrapping the tape around my hand. Silence was all that was heard between us. Once my hands were both taped he dropped them, swinging by my side. Positions his back to me he collected his bag and started to leave the training room. "Ryder" was all the male said before leaving.

The training room door swung on its hinges as I stared at it in amazement. Collect my thoughts I walked out of the room towards the ring. Cheers of the crowed roared out giving me a migraine, the crowd was louder than usual. Peaking my head over the crowd I saw two silhouettes were fighting in the ring. Darkness covered them, but lights followed there every move. Their movement looked so fluid, my eyes couldn't look away.

The builds of the fighters were both tall and built with muscles. Slinking through the crowd I made my way towards the chain fence of the ring. Raising my hands up to eye level, they gripped the fence. The lights blinded me, noise ringed in my ears deafening me. The chain fence was bashed against me, stepping back to steady myself I tripped falling backwards on to my bottom. The fighters rolled of each other, as they got up I met the ears of both of them.

Ryder stared at me lost and hurt, as if he was dying slowly from the inside out. Where as his opponent glanced at me than to Ryder before bringing his first up. Giving my one good look, as if to memorise what I look like he swung. I shouldn't have reacted, I didn't know who Ryder was. But I couldn't help but scream thinking that this was all my fault. The mystery fighter spun his head towards me losing his concentration on Ryder.

Frozen in shock, I hadn't taken notice to Ryder stumbling to his feet and smashing of the rings gate. Breaking the lock he rushed towards me, gripping my fragile, petite wrist in the firm, bloody hands. He shoved through the crowd with me following behind him complaining, but all you could here seas quite murmurs due to the loud roars of the crowd  angered from Ryder's actions.

He shoved us through the back door of the run down building. He slammed my against the brick wall, arching my back in pain I tried to wriggle away from Ryder. But my struggling was useless, he locked me in with his arms resting on each side of my body. Leaning his head down in moved towards my ear. Harsh breathing hit my neck as shivers went up my spine. Opening his mouth one word came out "Run," it was a harsh, demanding tone. Stepping back he lightly shoved me in the direction of the road. Were I ran towards in hope of staying away from Ryder.

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