How to be a good writer

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   December 28, 11:40 pm

  So today, I was thinking about writing. How to be a good one, the ones that take your breath away. I was also thinking why no one was reading my stories on here. Was I not good? I felt like it was a good story line.

  That's the thing, that's not how to be a good writer. It's all in the thought and determination to write. It's hard. Really, really, really, hard. So everyday I push myself to write 300 words. It's also about how you get lost. If you read a good book, a good one, and you wonder how it was a good book. It's sometimes because the author has been threw similar things, and had to get it off her/his chest. Not all are like this, but a lot are.

When you write, you write what you feel. If you read stories, on here for example, and all of a sudden the story gets so angry and the words becomes harsh. Don't you think that author was having a bad day? Feeling and emotion lays in someone's writing, and when it feels right, you can't stop the smile come across your face.

  I relate a lot of characters to the people in my life. If you have read 'The Door of Time' then you should know that David Greg was based off my older brother. He reminds me of him. Dimitri is based off a good friend of mine and Cathy? Cathy is based off my subconscious, I based her off my subconscious because I fight with myself a lot. I'm not crazy or anything, but I do. 

  I put things that have happened to me in my stories, little tweaks nothing big.

So as my day went on, I realized that's not what makes me a good writer. I choose to be a good writer. I choose to like my writing style. I CHOOSE. It's not in the grammar, its your heart. Have heart when you write, always have heart. Write for you. Not for anyone else. The little things get noticed. The ones that last long. The one that makes your heart flutter.


That's what makes a good writer. Writing for yourself and having heart for it. Not caring about what people say, because THIS makes you happy. It's hard I know, so if you're reading this, I challenge you to write 300 hundred words a day, don't post it. Make a story just for you and write. From your heart, don't worry about grammar. Just write for you.

  The little things become more then the big things because THEY do what they love for themselves.

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