A Year Before The Awakening

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The Organa shuttle quaked out of hyperdrive, shaking its sole passenger from a lulling sleep.

Aeliana groaned, cupping the top of her head as her brown eyes shot open. "I thought we fixed that!" she shouted to her pilot as she forced herself out of bed.

"Apparently not," retorted the pilot further within the ship.

The spacecraft was small; a luxury vehicle made specifically for Aeliana as Ambassador Organa to travel around the systems.

Following in the footsteps of her mother, she fought within the Resistance. Since she'd grown old enough, she worked as a keeper of peace for all planets and moons allied with the Resistance and its cause.

Aeliana stretched, letting her dull headache fade as she slid on a long silk robe over her pyjamas. Ruffling her long dark hair, she stepped out from her small quarters into an even smaller corridor that led to the cockpit.

An orange and white ball skimmed past Aeliana's bare feet, whirring and beeping.

"Nice to see you BB8," Aeliana greeted with a light laugh as she ducked into the cockpit. She let out a fake sigh as she sat in the co-pilot's seat, it a built in feature she requested so she could have a good seat to watch the stars. "How on Hoth did I get an xwing fighter pilot commandeering a political shuttle?" she asked with an amused tone as she looked over to the man flying the craft.

A grin hit Poe Dameron, the skilled pilot laughing. "No battles to fight, Princess."

"There's always a battle to be fought, Dameron," Aeliana noted. "And you know how I feel about being called Princess."

Poe pulled a few levers, the ship lowering into Bothawui's atmosphere. "That's why I call you it," he told her with a half smirk.

"You're just hilarious, aren't you?" Aeliana sarcastically questioned.

"I do like to think so," said Poe as he glanced over to Aeliana.

Aeliana lightly shook her head, trying not to laugh. "So, how long have we got until landing at the capital?"

"Just enough for the princess to make herself look like a princess."

Aeliana slapped Poe's arm, rising from her seat. "What a charmer you are." She stepped over BB8, going back into her quarters. She changed quickly, despite the few shakes in the craft as they headed for Bothawui's capital.

She repeated the names of Bothawui's Senate diplomats quietly to herself as she laced up the back of her elegant but simple floor length dress. Calling behind her to Poe, she asked, "When we're about to land will you give me a -"

The shuttle hit the landing pad a little harsher than usual, sending Aeliana backwards onto her bed.

Aeliana blew a wisp of hair from her face, "-warning." She picked herself up from the soft mattresss and lifted up the skirt of her dress as she slid on her heels. Pinning back sections of her hair, she slipped a long gold necklace over her head. "Hey, Dameron?"

Poe slid open the door, leaning against the metal with his arms crossed. "Yes, Princess?"

Aeliana adjusted the sleeves of her beige gown, "Stick to xwings, would you?"

Poe faked a laugh, overdoing it on purpose. "Yes, your majesty."

Aeliana removed what appeared to be a metal barrel with an intricate design from a box within her room, parting the top layer of her dress' skirt in the middle.

Poe lifted an eyebrow as Aeliana attached the barrel to a custom hook and covered it with the fabric of her dress. "Not planning on using that, are you?"

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