Chapter Two

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Jeans POV:

"MARCO! MARCO!?" I repeated his name by the top of my lungs, hoping that he would appear somewhere. The only thing in the city that was vocalizing was my voice, besides that everything was mere silence. Crimson puddles were anonymously washed along the cold landscape. My shoes clopped against the ground like a horse at a brisk pace. "MARCO!?" I questionably screamed feeling tears forming in the creases of my eyelids.

 Swiftly I turned a corner. The pads of my shoes skidded on the gelid cement causing me to falter. Luckily I caught myself before I had time to impact against the ground. "M-Marco..?" My light brown hues rose from the ground, staring straight ahead of what the calamity had to show me.

 People laid on the floor with their clothing soaking up blood that surrounded each and every one of them. Most of the populations faces were torn and frozen with utter fear. Everyone seemed to be so terrified of the unknown, which caused my body to begin to ache in agonizing pain. My arms tightened around my stomach, not wanting to puke by the sight of all these deaths. I knew everyone in the city was dead. But was...Marco dead too?

 My pupils began to grow small from resistance of wanting to find out that if he's actually dead or not. "Marco, dammit you better be alive!" I snarled as my fists balled up. Slowly I made my way through the tragic shape of scenery. My eyes darted around quickly, scanning down the human beings. Every one of them seemed to be staring back at me with the look of needing to be assisted, even though not one of them had a soul.

 As I walked down the depressing street, my eyes gazed around. My body came to an automatic halt as my visions perspective was staring right back at a familiar face. "Marco..?" I asked in a soft voice. I walked up to the body that was propped up against the side of a building. Half of his body seemed to be gone, but replaced with bundles of bright, exotic, joyful flowers. The plants reminded me of his usual personality. Cheerful, happy, excited, and all of the great things that swiveled around in his average mood.

 I got down to the floor, kneeling in front of the dead friend. Although something was different about him.  He seemed calm besides having that look of being utterly scared for dear life. He just seemed calm and brave, almost like a soldier after a defeated war against humanity. "Marco," I choked out as I lifted one of my hands up towards a stem to a bright blue flower. I picked it out, staring down at the pedals that rotted in my hands. The plant life drooped over the sides of my trembling hands.

"I-is this m-m-my..fault..?" I asked him as my breathing became ragged. I dropped the crumbling flower that was once in my hands, down into a soaking red substance on the floor. I extended my arm out towards the bouquet of flowers. Once my skin brushed against some of the brightly lit flowers, they all began to weep down into a not so flattering appearance. "O-Oh.." I felt something wet starting to roll down my cheeks from both eyes.

Slowly Marco faded away into being invisible from my sight. I crashed to the floor in pain, almost feeling like I was ready to vomit up all my insides including my shattered heart. I sobbed heavily as black dots started to overtake my vision, containing me into a pure black world of nightmares.

 My eyes snapped open quickly with my body lunging frontwards in my bed. I gasped heavily before starting to cough on air from the sudden actions. I brought my hands up to my neck nervously, trying to stop myself from choking on nothing. "Marco.. Oh god.." My eyes lifted as I glanced around my room, just now realizing that was nothing but a dream.

A sigh of relief pushed out from my mouth as I wiped some fresh tears away from my face. "I wonder if he's okay," I thought out loud as my hands raced along the surface of my bed, soon to gather my phone in my hands. I clicked on contacts, then to Marco. A smile formed on my face just by the sight of knowing I can make some contact to him while he's off on his trip.

'hey marco,' I texted quickly with my thumb pressing against the smooth screen to tap send. A small noise popped out of the devise to notify me that I sent a text. I slowly moved off my bed, going to go grab a can of soda. Yes, I am a proud breakfast eater. I placed my phone down on the kitchen counter as my finger popped up the lid of the can. A satisfying sound emerged out from the object before I brought it up to my dry lips.

 As my lips gathered the sweet taste inside of my mouth, I grabbed my phone. I walked over to my couch, sitting down on it as I placed my canned beverage down onto the low table in front of me. 'Ding' blared out of my phone making me jump a little from the unexpected. "Hm?- Oh! He responded." I grinned to myself as my shoulders adjusted upwards.

 'Hey Jean. Why are you up so early in the morning?' Marco replied back to the text. My eyes instantly darted up to the clock on my cellphone. "7:30... Why me.. Why..." I leaned back on the cushioned piece of furniture, ever regretting to stumble out from my bed.

 'dream woke me up' I replied quickly as I held the phone up the in air, waiting for him to respond with my bad tolerance of waiting for a perfect text from him. 'Oh. What was it about?' 'things' 'XD Jean, what sort of things?' 'just things ;3' 'Oooh. Those type of things. You need to get over Mikasa, she's never gonna date you.' 'no marco thats not what I meant! it was a nightmare' 'Of Mikasa rejecting you?' 'no. it was a nightmare about a close person dying. Geez, your the pervert one in this conversation. You know what they say, once a pervert, always a pervert.' 'Then I suppose we're both perverts?' 'tch whatever. stay safe, ok?' 'Whatever you say~ Yes, I will safe. I'll come back in one piece.'

 I slouched back in the seat, thinking about that last thing he sent me. "In one piece. Dammit Marco," I reflected back on the dream before I laid down on my couch, going back to sleep. I was not willing to wake up at this time, it was to gross.

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