Chapter Three

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Marco's POV:

 Before Kirstein started texting me in the unexpected time, me and my parents were already packed in the car. My bored, brown eyes gazed out of the window. Trees, fields, and signs shot past my window from the hurried momentum of our vehicle. Just an exhausting five more hours to go and surely we'll arrive somewhere for lunch before moving onward to the destination required. Before I knew it my phone vibrated in my pants pockets. "Wha-mn.." I bit my lip harshly, cutting off myself to say anything more from the realization.

 My hand slipped down into the pocket and snatched my phone out. Turning on the lock screen I immediately typed in the numbers to access the ability to use. One of my brows raised in a questionable way from Jean texting me at such an early time! I then responded. A small giggle escaped my mouth as I watched Jean's texts respond after mine. My fingers tapped correctly on the screen without making a single error, but even if I did I would instantly fix it with no problem. "What are you laughin' at boy?" My father asked in his typical dispassionate voice. "Oh, my friend just said something funny," I responded with a mere smile.

 My father nodded as he kept his eyes stuck to the rode. Silence's meter rose back up quickly, so I nervously tilted my head back down onto my phone. A tint of light pink started to lay out onto my face from Jean telling me to stay safe. Gosh, sometimes Jean can seem like a real pain towards other people like Eren. Well, mostly Eren. But he possesses another side of personality that is obviously caring and comforting to make my heart be warmed by an invisible quilt.

 I responded to the sweet text then I let my phone drop down onto black leather seat next to me. As my dark eyes shot back to the transparent glass my mind began to roam with thoughts about Jean. I've had thoughts about not being straight before Jean but I wasn't completely sure what my sexual desire on gender was. I thought about dating girls before and it just sent myself into an utterly dread of how inconvenient it would to be to actually do that! Just the thought of dating one made myself uncomfortable. But once I started thinking about sharing a love relationship with males caused myself to shape into a more comfortable figure. It would be a lot better to get along with them somehow and express how my true self is in a more fitting way.

 After a couple of hours or so my phone ratted lightly on the empty seat. I grabbed it, pulling it to the center of my lap. Jean texted me again, asking if I were okay. An uncontrolled smile pulled on my face as I started to enter in the letters of: 'Yes.'

 As expected I got a text back seconds later. 'good :)' Jean replied with the smiling emoticon. I sent a smiley face back in honor of his. Right as I pushed down on send the car came to cease. My head slowly rose, looking around to see that we're at a gas station. I slid back in my buckled seat with dissatisfaction from the sight it isn't time for lunch yet. "Mom, when do you think we're going to go get lunch?" I leaned frontwards towards the passengers seat. "I'm getting really hungry," I paused as I watched my dad move out from the car. My eyes widened in eagerness to tell him to go buy me something to eat in the cramped store, but before I could say anything he slammed the door shut. My expression went instantly disappointed.

 "Marco, I know. We'll get there in two hours or so. Just calm down, okay?" She spoke with stress mixed with her voice. I scrunched my face from what she had to say causing me to build the courage to ask her if I could just go inside on my own and that I'll pay her back later. She sighed heavily put just gave me some money and I bolted out of the car.

 I opened the stores glass door causing a small chiming sound to emit from small bells dangling on the side of the door. Faint music of some popular song played in the background from an old stereo placed on the rusted counter tops. I stuffed my pockets with my cold hands from the unheated store that seemed to have an eerie feeling. I shuffled over to the bagged snacks without making a peep. Grabbing a bag of chips I also got a bottle of diet coke and then instantly rushed to the front counter from the weird feeling something bad is going to occur. I don't know what it could be but by the feeling my stomach is warning me something will happen.

 As I placed the items on the counter including my mothers money my eyes nervously were placed upon the cashiers face. He looked to be in his mid-twenties and obviously one of those people who don't care about their appearance in public at all. To my opinion he didn't look the slightest decent in any condition whatsoever. He stared back at me for a couple of seconds before staring to scan my items without taking his sight slightly off of me. "Uhm.." I looked down and I noticed he already had the bag of items I bought and cash placed in both hands. I took it from him quietly. "T-thanks," I mumbled before stumbling out of the store instantly after that awkward moment.

 My dark brown eyes darted around the outside of the dirty looking station, trying to find my parents car in the empty lot. "It's gone," I spoke quietly to myself as my eyes grew in fear. "D-did they leave me!?" I ran out to the road into a patch of grass that was edging against the rough roads with black tire marks textured into the dull rocks. "MOM! DAD!" I watched the notable car riding down to the horizon at a terrific speed, almost seeming like it wanted to get away from me.

 Uncontrollably my legs started running at a brisk pace towards the unstoppable car. 'I can reach them! I can totally do it! They're going so fast though... Why won't they stop? Did they forget about me? Why didn't they seem as happy today as usual? They wanted to get rid of me, didn't they?' I thought to myself as my legs slowed down. I faltered frontwards, falling down onto my knees to the ground. My head shook having the despairing feeling of never getting them back. I know for a fact they won't return.

 Tears started to gush out. My body lent forwards with one of my hands pushing against the hard dirt of the ground. Several cars raced by my sickened body, not giving any care to the world that I was desperately hurt. Loose strands of my hair flailed softly in the wind, causing myself to begin to look like a wreak.

 After a while of attempting to piece myself back together I forced myself to stand up. I wobbly walked back to the gas station, knowing I had to call someone to retrieve help to get back home. I arrived into the gas station as I nervously went back to the cashier, tears still strolling down my cheeks. "Ah-Umm.. C-can I please barrow..your..y-your phone? I need to c-call someone, and I lost my-my phone.. P-p-please sir?" I asked as I pushed some wet tears away from my face with the backs of my hands. He nodded quietly and gave me his phone. I grabbed it quietly with a nod to say 'thank you'. Hurriedly I dialed Jean's number, the first person I could think of to call and ask for help.

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