Chapter 02

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The clock's hands pointed at 6 in the morning when I finally decided to stop and went back to the town. It was time for breakfast, so I decided to do that first before selling the loots I got. I decided to make something quick for myself, and turned on the TV as I enjoyed my meal. As always, there was nothing too interesting on, so I immediately turned it off after I'm done eating. I logged back into the game, and went to the only trading post in town. The door opens accompanied by the ringing of a bell, and a girl came out of the back room shortly after.

"How can I help you today?"

The shopkeeper asked me with a pleasant smile on her face. The NPCs in this game are really something. They don't feel artificial at all. Most shops in other regions are attended by players. Those guys call themselves the Merchant Guild. The price is a bit more expensive there, but I guess it doesn't really matter for the higher leveled players.

"Can you please appraise the loots that I have?"

I put a bag on top of the desk. The content of the bag was some trinkets and baubles dropped by Human-type enemies, leathers and furs after beating Beast-type enemies and all sorts of random thing after beating Monster-type enemies. The shopkeeper nodded, and opened the bag and poured the items on the table, before quickly sorting them out.

"Please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper chants a spell to appraise the loots. Numbers and words started to float from the items, and after thoroughly checking through them, the shopkeeper gave me another pleasant smile.

"There's quite a lot in here. Did you have a good hunt?"

I shrugged at her. I didn't know what a bad hunt is because this was my first time.

"I think so."

The NPC looked at me and nodded.

"I see. For the loot you have here, I can offer you 10.000 Zeal. Is that acceptable?"

I spent 3 health potion and 1 mana potion, so overall, that hunting trip costs me 500 Zeal. 10.000 don't sound like such a bad deal. I might be able to get more for them, but for now it's enough.

"Alright, I accept the trade."

The shopkeeper bowed to me deeply, before going to the back of the shop for a few minutes. She brought back a small wooden box and put it on the table. She opened it and there's 10.000 Zeal inside.

"Thank you for your business! I hope you will consider trading with us again!"

I took the money and nodded at her.


I walked out of the shop and saw a familiar face. It was Crux, along with his party.

"Hey Jaxon! Over here!"

He waved his hands in the air to try to get my attention. He's quite energetic so early in the morning, I walked near him and raised my hand to acknowledge his greeting.


Crux grinned and patted my shoulder. This guy is a bit too friendly, but I'm not too bothered by it.

"Morning. How was your hunting trip?"

I shrugged, and gave him the same answer as the shopkeeper.

"I guess. I just sold all of my loot to that shop over there."

He raised one of his eyebrows, his gesture clearly suggests that he is curious.

"Really? How much did you get?"

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