Chapter 04

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I have been standing at the village's plaza for almost an hour, and I passed the time people-gazing. Most of the people that passed by were either workers, or low-leveled player. I tapped my feet to the ground, trying to dispel my boredom, but it's starting to become quite ineffective.

"She's late."

I glanced at the clock at the corner of my screen, and saw that it's already 8.20. I turned my head around and still couldn't find her.

"Should I go look around?"

I shook my head and sighed. It would be more troublesome if I went to search for her and then she arrived. I tapped my foot to the ground again, this time louder and faster to help cope with the boredom that's starting to become even stronger.

"Jaxon! I'm so sorry I'm late!"

A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I turned to look at the figure sprinting full force towards me. She stopped in front of me and held her knees as she took deep long breaths.

"Where have you been?"

After a taking a lot of air in her lungs and letting it out in a big sigh, she smiled at me and brought her hands together.

"I rushed here as soon as I logged in. I'm really sorry."

She gave me a playful wink, probably trying to ease my annoyance. I scratched the back of my head and turned towards the item shop.

"It's fine. Let's get it over with."


We entered the item shop and a pleasant sounding chime rang out. It didn't have the same sound as the stores in the Town of Beginning. A guy appeared from the back soon enough, and he gave us a polite smile.

"How can I help you today?"

The loot bag was slightly heavier than before, and it was filled to the brim with loots. I thought to myself that it's time to buy a bigger one, and decided to look for one after I'm done here.

"Please appraise these loots that we have."

The man nodded, his smile still perched on his face. Something tells me that the man in front of me isn't really human.


He went to a large desk behind the counter, and poured out the content of the bag. Because of the number of item inside the bag, some of it almost fell to the floor. He sorted them out with a machine-like accuracy and speed, and after no more than two minutes, he walked towards the counter with the same smile he had before.

"For the loot here, I can give you 20.000 Zeal. Is that acceptable?"

I threw my eyebrows up. I know I brought a lot, but I don't think none of them is that valuable.

"That's a lot."

The shopkeeper nodded, and started to explain enthusiastically.

"Why of course! I see that you have the bark of a Treant. If crafted correctly, it can create a nice medium armor. I also found some gems. Although they are low in quality, they certainly added quite the sum."

The amount of money given was worth the trouble, so I nodded to the shopkeeper.

"Really? Then I accept the trade."

I shook the shopkeeper's hand and he went to the back of the store to get the money. He came back with the same wooden box as before, but this time, there's two of them.

"Thank you very much for your business! Please, do come again!"

We left the store and went to a nearby tavern. We sat at the counter and ordered a meal.

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