Chapter 19

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So, after a terrible night of not sleeping due to almost losing her, we are flying to Ohio today.. yay. I hate plane rides, so this will suck. But it's for her. As the load up Freya, I text the guys explaining everything. "Almost lost her yesterday. She stopped breathing for about a minute. We are flying out to Ohio today so I don't know when we are coming back. I will be sure to keep you all updated. No visiting please.." and click send. I get on the plane and sit next to Freya's bed. She was responsive like the first time, but her eyes were still shut. "We will be okay Freya. I love you. Just know that I'm staying with you until the very end. I'm not leaving you for anything." I tell her. I watch a tiny smile creep across her face. I cry a little while holding her hand. 

We were in the air for about four hours until we finally landed. They take Freya into the examination room. I'm not allowed in there. "If she freaks out, come out here and get me. Once she knows I'm here, then she should calm down." I tell the doctors and nurses. "We sure will sir." one nurse says. I sit in the little waiting room for examination people. I get out my phone and text the guys again. "We are landed in Ohio. They are running an examination on her. She's responsive again so that's good. I will tell you results when I know more." I click send and sigh. Examinations take about an hour, so this will be where I am for the next hour. 


Once the nurse walks into the waiting room, I stand up immediately. "She still hasn't opened her eyes, but she won't stop asking for you." she tells me. She brings me into the room and allows me to see her. "I'm right here. I promise." I say as soon as we step in. I grab her hand and kiss her on the head. I watch as she breathes heavily. They have her on some major oxygen. They allow me to stay in the room during the rest of the examination, but I wasn't allowed to make any kind of physical contact with her unless necessary. It really sucks seeing her like this. And I have a strange feeling that John was somewhat apart of this. Only because every time I update them, he's the only one that doesn't respond. 

Another thirty minutes have passed when they finally finish the examination. They put her in a normal room and let her rest. I pull out the hide-away couch and rest my eyes. I'm so fucking tired. But I'm not going to leave her for anything. Every time a nurse comes in, they ask me if she's waken up. I don't really know seeing how I'm not talking to her. She always has he eyes closed so that makes it even more difficult. She can say my name, but that's pretty much it. I'm just happy she can talk, somewhat. The nurses finally stop visiting for about thirty minutes, so I get a short catnap. It was nice. Getting a little bit of sleep did me lots of good. 

But like all good things, it eventually ends. The nurse comes back in with my lunch. I hate hospital food, but I'm not leaving to go get something from the store. Also cause I don't have my car. It's at the hospital back in Utah. (I don't know where really any of them really live. I just like the state name XD) I eat my cheeseburger when I hear her say my name. I get up and grab her hand. "I'm still here. What do you need?" I ask her calmly. "I want to go home." she says shakily. I start crying. I want to go home too, but we can't.. I don't really know how to respond. "I know. Just a little more time here and we can go home okay. You need to get some rest." I tell her. I wait a minute, then kiss her head and go back to my lunch. 

I finish my lunch when she finally opens her eyes. I start bawling again. "Why are you crying babe? And so hard?" she asks smiling a tiny bit. "Because it's nice to see your eyes again." I say smiling back. I peck her lips then pull a chair up next to her bed. I really did miss seeing her eyes. Her big, tealish, manipulating eyes. I kiss her head as she falls asleep again. I lay down back where I rest and fall asleep too. I need to get rest when I can, or else I'm going to be bitchy when we get home. I will text the guys whenever I wake up again. 

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