Chapter 28

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As I walk out of John's room, I feel myself still blushing. It's nice to know more things about him, but I didn't think I would learn that much. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Tyler hugging me. I hug him back and smile. He takes me into our room and we sit on the bed. "Did he do anything to you? You're blushing quite a bit." he asks me. Shit, he saw me blushing. "No. We really just talked." I tell him blushing more. "You're so adorable when you blush." he tells me as he leans in. I meet his lips and then pull back. "I'm so happy that you pretty much abducted me that day." I tell him smiling. He looks down and smiles at the floor. 

"Yeah, I guess we did pretty much kidnap you didn't we." he says looking into my eyes. I look into his and smile again. We've been very awkward lately, I don't like it. I'm fixing this.. Ever since me and John have been kissing much more, I haven't been able to talk to Tyler like I used too. I feel bad. "Hey, I'm sorry if I haven't been talking to you as much. I have had a lot on my mind." I tell him. "Like what?" he asks me as he pulls me closer to him. "Just the fact that I could've died and crazy shit like that." I say while laying on his shoulder. 

"Speaking of that, how's your back and your legs feeling?" he asks me while rubbing my knuckles. "Oh, they're fine. It's like the pain never happened." I say smiling. He smiles back and kisses me again. I allow him to make out with me for a little bit, only because I feel bad about pretty much ignoring him. I really do love him, but John is just something I never expected. Like a nuclear explosion that destroyed lots of feelings for Tyler and transferred them into feelings for him. It's strange. I pull back and stand up. 

He stands up with me and we step out into the living room together. I sit down on the couch and Tyler sits next to me. I lay on his bicep and close my eyes. I fall asleep after five minutes of keeping my eyes closed. 


I look over at Freya and see her already asleep on my shoulder. I smile and turn back to the screen. I don't really know what's playing, but it seems cool. I watch the movie for a little bit, but Marcel decides to give me something to do."Here." he says handing me a paper with lots of crap on it. "That's what we need from the store." he tells me. "And why exactly do I have to do it?" I ask him. "Your like the only person that never does it. So don't argue." he tells me. I slowly get up and grab my car keys. I step out the door and get in my car. I start up the engine and head to the store.


I wake up and Tyler is gone. "Where did Tyler go?" I ask sitting up. "I sent him to the grocery store to get some things." Marcel tells me from the kitchen. "Oh. Just him?" I ask him looking around for John. "Yep." he says as he starts doing the dishes. I get up and head to John's room. I step in quietly and see him asleep in bed. I smile as I walk quietly up to him. I lay on the edge of the bed with him. He opens his eyes and looks down at me. I smile and wrap my arms around his torso so I don't fall off the edge. He moves over to give me more room. 

"You sleep well?" he asks me. "Yeah. How long did I sleep for?" I ask. "A good hour. I came in here to edit that video, but I just layed in bed and fell asleep." he moans. I smile at him and he smiles back. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me really close to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and cuddle into his warm body. I hear someone walk in the front door and talk to Marcel. It's Tyler's voice. I get off of John's bed and sit in the computer chair. "What are you doing?" he asks me. "Tyler is back." I tell him. Good thing I moved, cause Tyler walks in. "Hey Freya. Sleep well?" Tyler asks. "Yeah. I just got bored in the living room." I tell him. He smiles at me and sits in the computer chair next to me. 

"You two talk a lot. There's nothing going on between you is there?" he asks. My eyes widen. He doesn't know, but he's getting curious. "No. Just really good friends I guess." I tell him while looking at John. John nods his head and looks at Tyler. I can tell John is getting really nervous about Tyler being in his room and asking this. I take Tyler's hand and drag him out of John's room. I look at John one last time before exiting his room. He looks scared. I feel bad now.. I'm making his life harder. I release Tyler's hand and sit on the couch. 

"You drug me all the way out here, just to sit on the couch?" he asks me smirking. I smile back and nod. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. 

***JOHN'S POV***

After Freya took Tyler out of my room, I started to calm my nerves. I think he's on to us. It's not like we do anything except kiss and hang out a lot. Before she stepped out of my room, she looked at me in the eyes. I saw a little sadness in her eyes. Something I will need to talk to her about. Maybe we can have another BBQ, because at the end is when I get to talk to her alone. I get up out of bed and step out into the living room. I get my phone out and text her:

John: hey, BBQ tonight?

Freya: ooooh, that sounds fun

John: I thought so :D 

Freya: I will ask the others

John: okie

And I lock my phone. We never have long conversations through text, so it's pretty normal for it to end like that. I look over at Freya and see her talking to Tyler. She gets up and walks over to Marcel. I guess she's spreading the news about tonight. Marcel finishes up the rest of the dishes and gets the grill and other shit out. I get up and help. I get the wood, chairs, charcoal, beer, and meat. I set the meat in the sink full of hot water so it will thaw. I sit back down at the couch and look at Freya. I see her smiling, so I smile back. 


I would do the BBQ in this chapter, but I'm a little tired. Talk to you all in the next chapter! Enjoy your day/night. Whenever you're reading this XD

You with #Frohn or #Freyler ? Tell me in the comments XD


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