The Deep Love Within - WHISPER TO ME

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My little bird told me he heard you

Last night,

As you whispered softly to the wind,

He saw your words float in the air;

While the clouds carried them

Till they reached the stars,

Where they kept your words safe

The next night

You whispered more words

You wrote them

Across the velvet skies

The skies that are painted in blue

You kept whispering in the night;

Telling secrets to the full moon,

Which travelled to the stars

To give them your words

So they can shine brighter

The third night your whispers danced

making their way across the sky,

the wind came closer

It waltzed with your whispers;

It swirled and swirled until it reached the stars

Then your whispers mingled hands with the stars

In a never-ending dance

My little bird said

With every whisper

A star fell from the sky;

In order to leave me a message,

That carries your whispers

shimmering in the starry night.

All across the miles

Your whispers are written

Across a blue velvet sky,

Your whispers drift in the air;

As you whisper softly to the wind,

While the clouds carry them

Till they reach the stars,

Where they keep your words safe

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